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  1. S

    Finally got a Dr. to listen.

    I got an update, the Doc called today, and they are for the most part rulling out crohns. I had something called Ischemic Colitis what I dont understand is what caused it. I am feeling better this week with the only treatment was Flagyl and low res diet. I did a google search on it, and...
  2. S

    Biopsy wait?

    The Doc called today, he had the results last friday, so that was 4 days including the day of the colonoscopy.
  3. S

    What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?

    I have taken allot of ibuprofen/naproxin/Tylonol/Aspiren over the last 5 years, I had a back injury and chose not to get on narcotics, instead taking weird combinations of NSAID's
  4. S

    Biopsy wait?

    My colonoscopy was tuesday afternoon. The doc said he thinks it's crohns But would notify me when the biopsy gets back. I know I am getting impatiant. How long does it take? I know the stool samples take 4 days throw. Told me that info. Thanks in advance. Sid
  5. S

    Finally got a Dr. to listen.

    Thanks to everyone for the information.
  6. S

    Finally got a Dr. to listen.

    As the title says, I had a colonoscopy yesterday(3-22), and although I was a bit groggy when he was showing me the photos and explaining, I have about a 8 inch section in my transverse colon that was inflamed and swollen and partially closed off. It will be a day or two before I get the biopsy...