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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Advice for new diagnosed

    I was just diagnosed with early, mild Crohn's Disease in the terminal ileum. I'm taking methotrexate and entocort. What advice do people have for someone who's just been diagnosed, ie diet, lifestyle changes, meds, etc. What do you wish people had told you when you were first diagnosed? Also...
  2. K

    Can bowel spasm imitate ileum narrowing on SBFT?

    Keona, that's exactly what my GI is suggesting. That the narrowing shown on the SBFT might be due to constricting at the time of the SBFT. I didn't know that was possible. Can you constrict just in your terminal ileum, but all other small intestine parts appear normal?
  3. K

    Can bowel spasm imitate ileum narrowing on SBFT?

    I've had blood tests showing an elevated sed rate, but I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I had a clear colonoscopy, and a positive small bowel follow through showing narrowing and what could be the string sign. I have almost all extra-intestinal symptoms of Crohn's, and I have a proven history of my...
  4. K

    Can bowel spasm imitate ileum narrowing on SBFT?

    I had a small bowel follow through and the radiologist found narrowing of the terminal ileum and what might be the "string sign." My GI wants to run another test though. He said that the narrowing that showed on the SBFT and the string sign might be a result of the pain I was feeling during the...
  5. K

    GI Visit Results

    Thanks Jill! I've been feeling pretty yucky, but the diarrhea has calmed down a bit. I've also been taking massive doses of prednisone to treat my arthritis, which I know can also help treat Crohn's. My abdomen is definitely extremely tender when manipulated or pressed upon, like when the...
  6. K

    GI Visit Results

    I had the small bowel series last Friday. According to my GI, it showed narrowing of my terminal ileum and what might be the "string sign." Still, however, I don't have a Crohn's diagnosis. Since I had abdominal pain during the small bowel series, he said the narrowing could be spasm. Since I...
  7. K

    Can you have Crohn's without ulceration?

    I just had a small bowel series done and the radiologist said my terminal ileum was abnormal and the barium didn't flow properly through that area. However, no ulceration was seen. I've had a colonoscopy which was clean, so I think that rules out UC. Can you have Crohn's with inflammation of the...
  8. K

    Small Bowel Series RESULTS--Please help w. interpretation

    I got my small bowel series results from the radiologist. I don't meet with my GI until Thursday, so I dont' quite know how to interpret them or what they might indicate. I'm undergoing testing for Crohn's. My colonoscopy and biopsies were clear. I've had Crohn's type symptoms for 8 years...
  9. K

    Small Bowel series: What's experience like for Crohn's patients?

    I had the small bowel series last Friday because I'm still being tested for Crohn's, since they didn't find anything on the colonoscopy. I've heard mixed things about what the experience is like for being who do have Crohn's. Some people on the internet say that the amount of time it takes for...
  10. K

    Small Bowel Series Results & Questions

    Thanks so much everybody! Your answers have cleared up a lot of my confusion. I hate how mysterious doctors are with information that is rightfully mine, since it is after all, my body. I won't find out the final results until Thursday. The wait is driving me nuts. Like I said earlier, my...
  11. K

    Small Bowel Series Results & Questions

    I had the colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and the biopsies were negative. The level of insertion was ileum to cecum. Today, I had a small bowel series. The radiologist said he found what he thought was evidence of an inflammatory disease or process in the "last part of the small intestine." He also...
  12. K

    Help in translating Colonoscopy terminology

    Thanks DustyKat! I'm new to the IBD world, so this is like learning a new language. Thanks for your patience and understanding! So, let's see if I understand correctly, I have inflammation both in the last part of my sigmoid colon AND the first part of my rectum. So I have inflammation in my...
  13. K

    Help in translating Colonoscopy terminology

    In my colonoscopy report, it said I have inflammation in the distal sigmoid and proximal rectum. I don't have much Anatomy experience. Does this mean, I have inflammation in the section of sigmoid colon closest to the rectum? Or does it mean I have inflammation in the far part of the sigmoid AND...
  14. K

    Crohn's, UC, or IBS?

    My name is Kathryn, I'm 30 and I've been dealing with IBD/IBS related symptoms for 8 years. I have chronic diarrhea, severe abdominal cramping that sometimes lasts 24-48 hours after an "attack," bloody stool and blood in stool, and low-grade fever. I also have many extra-intestinal symptoms...