Can bowel spasm imitate ileum narrowing on SBFT?

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Mar 31, 2011
I had a small bowel follow through and the radiologist found narrowing of the terminal ileum and what might be the "string sign." My GI wants to run another test though. He said that the narrowing that showed on the SBFT and the string sign might be a result of the pain I was feeling during the test. My abdomen was really painful while I was laying down as a result of the fizzing crystals. My GI said my bowel might have been spasming, which led to my terminal ileum looking like it was narrowed, when it might not be. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Could bowel pain and spasming masquerade as narrowing and the string sign on a SBFT?

Because my GI is still unsure, I'm having a CT scan this week, which if it confirms the SBFT, will lead to him diagnosing me with Crohn's. My colonoscopy was clear.

ETA: On my physical exam this week, where I felt pain upon pressure, was the exact spot on my TI where there are irregularities. The GI also said he felt slight hardening.
I can't advise u on the sbft and spasms but I'm pretty shocked how many of us had to have stupid amounts of tests and in my case 7 years of struggling for all of them show crohns higher than a colonoscopy goes yet still it takes ages to get a diagnosis even after these tests , so y do them in the first place??
I had my pill cam only last month and found out through this only 10 days ago it's definately crohns !
I think it's stupid when your sbft clearly showed a problem!!
What other tests have u had so far and what were all their results?
I had quite a bit of pain with the same test, yet I was pronounced "normal".

I'm quite tender in the same spot when they apply pressure, to the point that I can't help but roll myself into a ball to avoid being touched.

My scopes & blood tests don't show anything either, yet I keep losing weight due to the pain eating causes.

I hope they can get you a dx soon as I understand just how frustrating this can be.
I've had blood tests showing an elevated sed rate, but I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I had a clear colonoscopy, and a positive small bowel follow through showing narrowing and what could be the string sign. I have almost all extra-intestinal symptoms of Crohn's, and I have a proven history of my bowel issues responding positively to anti-inflammatories, such as prednisone and humira. I think the proof's in the pudding, but still the GI wants to run a CT this week. That will be my last test.
I had 2 MRI's and the first one showed 2 strictures. My GI and the radiologist said non definitive crohns. So, they think crohns but not 100 per cent. My GP on the otherhand thought it was my bowels doing exactly what it was supposed to be doing, which is to contrast and constrict. She thought it was the bowels constricting at the time of the picture. When I asked my GI, he said no...that the MRI takes sooo many slices of the abdomen, and all of them were constricted.. so..eventhough it isnt the same test I can relate to the inconsistency of what doctors are telling you and can relate to the frustration.
I have been telling my doctor for 20 years or more that I have endometriosis...I only just had surgery for it this month and yep...there was endometriosis...

hang in kdlalib.... I think the proof is in the pudding as well... good luck on your CT.. one of these days they will actually be able to help you as opposed to just poking and prodding you :D
Keona, that's exactly what my GI is suggesting. That the narrowing shown on the SBFT might be due to constricting at the time of the SBFT. I didn't know that was possible. Can you constrict just in your terminal ileum, but all other small intestine parts appear normal?
It is possible for the SBFT to show spasm of the bowel which may appear as a stricture. Generally though later films in the study will show the relaxation of that segment -though not always so at times it isn't clear. This can occur at any point in the bowel as the bowel constricts and relaxes throughout its length which is how it moves contents along.
kdlalib - It seems a big coincidence that it occurred at the terminal ileum during your sbft and at a point where you get your pain though.

What my doctor was suggesting was that it is possible.
The best thing is to see what the results of your CT scan say. Interesting...Im going for the same.

Let us know what the CT says!