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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Word association

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    How many supplements do you take?

    Lol you put the choices 1-2,2-3,3-4. If someone was taking 2 they could vote for option two or three, if they were taking 3 they could vote for option three or four, so this isn't a very good poll, sorry just trying to help, not offend...
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    Does this ever happen to anyone else?

    Heres a short summary on whats going on... Before i had crohns, i went to the bathroom once or twice a day (aside from urinating). When i started having D, i went like 4-8 times a day, sometimes more. Eventually i was diagnosed and tried a variety of combinations of meds, now i have no D...
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    Last one wins!

    Anyway, sorry but I'm gonna win. Just don't want you to have to go through the trouble of trying when you're gonna lose anyway :)
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    Last one wins!

    Ha I'm a he and I said hello cause you asked who are you gonna play with when andi loses. Lol
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    Last one wins!

    Uhh, hello!
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    Last one wins!

    Haha thanks trev
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    Last one wins!

    Oops I meant trev, sorry I'm tired
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    Last one wins!

    Thanks, Trey.
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    Last one wins!

    Haha I was hoping that wouldn't be taken offensively xD
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    Last one wins!

    Next person to post on this thread gets crohns disease... Oh wait...