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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. tanukihat

    Tooth pain

    I've found that the phrase "I've found marijuana helps" can answer pretty much any thread in this forum. Actually, in any forum. Anywhere.
  2. tanukihat

    Tooth pain

    I'm on 60mg of pred and 100mg of 6MP per day. What I get is occasional chest pain - like an achy feeling that can start on either side, right around my sternum, and then seems to radiate up to my teeth. Weird!
  3. tanukihat


    So I'm currently coming out of a flare up that has lasted longer than any other flare up I've ever had (like a year and a half of D's and stomach cramps and an average weight of 110 pounds). With a combination of 6MP and magical Prednisone, I've gained about 20 pounds in the past month and I'm...
  4. tanukihat

    Bad veins

    That's rough, dude. I'm on a two-week blood schedule myself, but luckily for me I have the Monster Vein That Never Quits. I make sure to point it out to every lab technician I encounter. They appreciate having a wide target to hit.
  5. tanukihat

    Low residue diet ?

    Low rez doesn't have to be boring! Yeah, if you follow the Mayo Clinic low rez diet, you'll be eating broiled fish and rice every meal, but that's not your only option. You're just thinking like an adult - think unhealthier! Consider breakfast: all the tastiest sugary cereals are low fiber...
  6. tanukihat

    Low residue diet ?

    Pred is usually my magic drug at 40mg/day. One week and I have no D's, no stricturing, and appetite through the roof. However, for my most recent flare it didn't do jack until we upped it to 60mg/day. Or, more accurately, I upped it myself and then when it worked I casually mentioned to my...