Tooth pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 23, 2011
tooth pain

i have a weird question. im on all kind of drugs as you can see in my signature. the tooth pain started only recently, a week ago, but ive been on these drugs for months. is this normal?
Funny you should say that. They upped my Pred to 40mg and started me on Azathioprine about a month ago, and I've started having intermittent tooth pain ( not really like toothache ) in the last couple of weeks. Weird!
Like a neuralgia pain? I get that too. Since I got up to my full dose of Imuran, I've been having really bad headaches and neck pain - sometimes Panadol shifts them sometimes not. I'm hoping it's just my body adjusting and that I'll stop getting them.
I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so ill. Is it Crohn's and how long have you had it? What kind of surgery are they proposing? Hope all goes well with your appointment.
Imuran is the generic name for Azathioprine which is the immuno-supressant drug many of us Crohns sufferers take.
Prednisolone is a steroid, therefore not the same drug as imuran.
I am on both at the moment and I too suffer from tooth pain. I asked my GI about it and he said he would get back to me.

Take care x
Whenever I get tooth pain, I use my Neti-Pot. I get bad sinus infections and a toothache is my first symptom of one coming on. I don't usually get any facial pain in the typical sinus areas. If I use my Neti-pot for a few days, the pain usually goes away and I avert a nasty sinus infection.
I am also on prednisone and imuran and have the tooth pain. It's not all the time and it's not always the same side or area. Some days I just wanna cry because all I can take is tyenol and that does nothing. I told my GI dr and he said he's never heard of such a thing and kind of dismissed it. Be interested to know what your dr says also
I'm on 60mg of pred and 100mg of 6MP per day.

What I get is occasional chest pain - like an achy feeling that can start on either side, right around my sternum, and then seems to radiate up to my teeth.

I've found that the phrase "I've found marijuana helps" can answer pretty much any thread in this forum.

Actually, in any forum. Anywhere.
Given the pretty unpleasant toxic and addictive side effects of many of the meds they give you for Crohn's, I am quite happy to put my hand up and say that marijuana helped me a great deal during my "undiagnosed" year of hell, it enabled me to have an appetite in the evening and avoid losing too much weight, helped me relax a bit and sleep. It is illegal in my country but during that period it stopped me going mad or diminishing. There is a lot of complete bollox talked about it and I can only say that "medical" MJ (i.e. not skunk) helped me survive physically and mentally. But that's me - not necessarily for anyone else and I don't drink or smoke or do any other drugs except those I have to accept for Crohn's.

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