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  1. R

    Frequent bathroom trips after surgery

    I had my op in 2002 and had it ever since, im on a diet which consists of fiber. im alright and got no other symptoms and my doc says theres nothing to worry about. It just gets me down sometimes :/
  2. R

    Frequent bathroom trips after surgery

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the same problem as me, Everyday i go to toilet about 5-6 times and this has been happening since my op. Any advice? :/
  3. R

    Hello! :d

    well i have tried all sorts of medication, i had an operation to remove parts of my intestine at 15 years old n have been in remission since then :) i did have to go on this weight gain drinks a couple of months ago because i was loosing too much weight. i just find it really difficult to put...
  4. R

    Hello! :d

    Hi im 21 and have had chrones for 10 years now n it will be a nice change to talk about chrones to people who know what im talking about! :)