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  1. K

    New Article about Interesting Crohn's Treatment

    Take a look at this study. 19 patients who were steriod resistant were administered a week's worth on IVIG infusions, and those that could be followed, had a mean remission duration of 20 months. From just that one week of treatment. For that to happen to refractory patients, is unheard of...
  2. K

    New Article about Interesting Crohn's Treatment

    I'm going to do some more research about these ivig infusions and let you know what I find. It just doesnt make sense.
  3. K

    Hi All!

    You might want to read this - some useful info: Also says that it is very helpful to learn how to speak Spanish as not many people speak English over there.
  4. K

    Strictureplasty (and other) video

    They cut a lengthwise slit in the scarred obstructed area. Then they sew or staple the lips of the slit together vertically instead of lengthwise. This makes a widened area where the obstruction was so things can flow thru easily. Take a look at this link - it has a diagram which shows how its...
  5. K

    Please recommened elemental liquid diet products

    This is the enteral nutritional drink I used to buy - called Peptamen 1.5 (1.5 for extra calories). It is calorically dense to address nutritional needs in smaller volume and has balanced peptide profile promotes GI absorption and integrity...
  6. K

    Review of, "Advanced Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease"

    I just read your original post for the 1st time, and all the following excerpts you so kindly shared with us. So very interesting David! I am definately going to buy this book and read it. I noticed chapter 118 - stem cell transplants for crohns - written by Dr. Burt -would be interesting to...
  7. K

    New Article about Interesting Crohn's Treatment

    Thank you so much for posting such an interesting article! I am amazed that 63 people have viewed this, and no-one has made a comment I read the entire article and then did some more research. Its just crazy to think that there is a treatment out there like this, but none of the doctors have...
  8. K

    What a fricken day

    You definately need to find a better gastroenterologist. I noticed that he has you on no meds for your crohns, despite the fact that you have fistulas and abcesses. Now he is trying to write you prescriptions for tests that were done 6 weeks ago??? Dont waste any more of your time. Find...
  9. K

    Autoimmune Disease Treatment With New Injection

    Thank you for posting - very interesting indeed! Frustrating that it takes so long to get the trials off the ground though:(
  10. K

    Developing remicade antibodies?

    Yes, you could start to infuse Remicade every 6 weeks, instead of 8 - that is, if you havent formed any antibodies. Also, another reason why you should think about coming off the 6MP, is because there is an increased risk of developing a fatal form of lymphoma when 6 MP is taken in conjunction...
  11. K

    Pearl Jam guitarist shares his personal struggle with Crohn’s disease

    Mike McCreedy is an amazingly talented guitarist - love watching him - thanks for the post! What an inspiration!
  12. K

    Side effects with Preds

    Sandramaggie - how did the tests go? How is the tapering off of Prednisone coming along? What dosage is she on now? Was just thinkink about you and your daugher:)
  13. K

    All in the Family

    Hi there - welcome to the forum! I agree with you - I would feel very uneasy about taking your son off a medication if it is working and he is in remission, for fear that you would "stir things up" if you change anything. When you take him off the Imuran, his immune system is going to...
  14. K

    Newly diagnosed with Crohn's

    I'm so sorry about your daughter's diagnosis. You have come to the right place - you will find tons of support and good advice here. My child was diagnosed with crohns at age 12 - 15 years ago - so I guess you could say, I've seen quite a bit! I would have to say, that reading your post, I...
  15. K

    Vitamin B12 injections

    Do you perhaps have pernicious anemia - and he didnt share that with you? If you do have it, then it doesnt matter how much B12 you take orally, it would not be absorbed. You could do the injections for a while, just to get your levels up, and then change to supplements, and monitor it with...
  16. K

    Awful skin (pic)!!! :( any ideas?

    Good idea posting the pic - it makes it easier to help you when we can see the rash. There are just 2 things I would like to offer to help you. The first one, is to make absolutely 100% sure your skin is completely dry before you attach your wafer. After cleaning the skin and drying it...
  17. K

    From Crohn's Disease to a bowel transplant how did I get there?

    So glad to hear you are back home, and eating food again!! As always, I hang on every word you say. I really hope you get to play golf in the upcoming tournament! I look forward to your future updates, and pray that all goes well for you - hang in there!!!
  18. K

    Vomiting blood

    This happened to my child years ago. It turned out to be a Mallory-Weiss tear - a tear in the lower part of the esophagus or upper part of the stomach, near where they join. It causes bloody stools and vomitting of blood. It was fixed via endoscope procedure in the out-patient clinic. You...
  19. K

    My Story

    Ok Modulen - I understand. I think it would be good for you to try Remicade or Humira. You said you are trying to have a child, and that is why you are waiting to try Humira. I have not researched if or how these treatments effect reproduction - have you? Can it harm the baby?
  20. K

    Worsening stricture?

    Do you think it might help if you drank some elemental drinks and went on a liquid diet for a while. Elemental like Peptamen 1.5 - not Boost or Ensure which is full of sugar.