Vomiting blood

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Apr 27, 2012
Looks like I'll be making another trip to the ER...I began violently (projectile) vomiting with bright red blood and small dark red clots. So bad that the blood was also coming through my nose. Really not sure what is going on right now but desperately hoping for answers.

Anyone else puke blood? I have before but never like this.
I've heard some people mention it on here but don't recall the causes (could be ulcer related) I haven't personally though. Hope you get some real help at the ER this time. You really do deserve to feel better. Keep us posted whenever you can. Are you able to go now? Wishing you the best of luck!
This happened to my child years ago. It turned out to be a Mallory-Weiss tear - a tear in the lower part of the esophagus or upper part of the stomach, near where they join. It causes bloody stools and vomitting of blood. It was fixed via endoscope procedure in the out-patient clinic. You have to go the hospital as soon as you can.
Last time that happened to me they discovered stomach ulcers and GERD, hopefully everything turns up fine for you, and you recover in no time. Keep us updated!
Thanks. They ended up admitting me. Don't know anything yet as I'll see GI tomorrow. Still vomiting blood but not nearly as much or forceful as in the middle of the night last night.
Manzyb...thanks for thinking of me sweetie :) I'm still in the hospital and will be here at least until Wednesday as the earliest they can do a scope is Tuesday. So far all I know is I am positive for C Diff...so they started me on Flagyl today. Other than that I don't know much. I haven't thrown up in the past 24 hrs although am very nauseous. I'm just having extreme abdominal pain still and D. Baby seems to be doing good though. I can't say I'm feeling any better. The pain has gotten much worse but at least I'm able to eat and keep it down.
Glad to hear from you! I have been checking to see if you've updated :)

It sucks that you are still in the hospital, but its good that you are there, because you clearly need to be! Maybe the C-diff is what is causing all of your problems. I don't know if that's better than being in a bad flare, but hopefully they can treat whatever it is causing you so much trouble. That is great that baby is doing well! That was always what I was worried about.

Glad you're finally keeping some food down.

I hope the scope goes well for you. Will be keeping fingers and toes crossed :)
Hi! I hope you're scope went well yesterday and you are back home recovering!! How are you doing?
Manzyb...I'm still in the hospital fighting c diff. They deciding they couldnt do the scopes until they got the c diff under control which is proving to be difficult. My pain is just getting worse and worse. I haven't had a BM since Monday so they're concerned about that and the antibiotics possibly not getting to the colon. So they're starting me on vanco enemas now in addition to the oral Flagyl. As precaution they're having a surgeon come look at me...and even mentioned some people require their colon removed from c diff which is why they're trying to stay on top of it. And of course me being pregnant totally complicates everything. I'm starting to get scared :( I just want what's best for both of us without altering our lives forever
Oh gosh :( I'm so sorry you are going through this. That is very scary. And their is no way to see if you have a blockage or anything like that, huh? I can't believe you've not gone since Wednesday, that's worrisome in itself.

I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that things turn around quickly for you. Big hugs to you and little baby.
Well they did do an X-ray A few days ago which was normal. But I guess c diff can cause inflammation, megacolon, or sepsis in itself so combined with an ibd could be really bad. They're trying to prevent doing any more tests with radiation obviously because of the baby. It's just so tricky because I'm pregnant. Hopefully adding the vanco enemas on top of oral Flagyl and vanco will do the trick to calm this down. I'm on so many meds now it's crazy AND as if I didn't have enough problems my flank started hurting and I'm peeing cola colored urine like maybe there's a kidney stone again or infection. *sigh*
When on Earth are you going to get a break? Just one thing after another. I'm so sorry. :( What about an MRI or even an ultrasound if they want to do anymore tests?

Thanks for the update, keep fighting! :D
I'll def ask about an ultrasound. They may have to do one anyway due go the flank pain and soda colored pee :-/ prayin the kidney stone is still in my kidney!! I don't want to add passing a stone on top of this
I'm sorry you have to be going through all this. I hope everything will settle quickly...
I just wanted to say quickcly, before you worry too much about the color of your pee that flagyl often colors it like a lot. I pee brownish when I take that, haven't they told you about it? I have to say that if it were not from the fact I had been warned I would have been kinda freaked out by the color of it myself. I don't know about your flank pain... I hope it's only a temporary symptom and that nothing serious is related to it (sometimes hospital stay bring unexplained pain... I hope it's strictly minor).

Sending you positives thoughts! take care
No they didn't tell me...I even showed the dr and he seemed
Concerned as well. It's happened twice when the pain has been its worse so it makes me believe it's my kidneys again. I've had it before as I have a long history of kidney stones/stents. (11 surgeries in the past year) they did check my urine tho so should find out tomorrow. That'd be great if you were right tho and it's just the meds!
My boyfriend who is 17, has Crohns. He also throws up blood, I haven't seen it but he tells me about it, says his stomach and throat burn severely. Any help on how he can ease the pain? I'm on desperate need of some answers.
Manzyb....i'm kind of the same :( how are you doing? i'm still in the hospital...going on day 13 now. i thought i was maybe starting to get better then a new symptom arises. the newest being my mouth/throat hurts. it's not really ulcers...more like tiny bumps/cuts that feel similar to how it feels when you burn your tongue on something too hot. thats how my whole tongue feels and the roof of my mouth/sides of my cheeks. it hurts to eat...to talk...to brush my teeth. almost feels like stuff is getting stuck in my throat. so i'm scheduled for a gi follow through which the ob has approved. i'm just so nervous with all of this and how it'll effect my baby but they keep reassuring me everything is okay and not doing them would be worse.

i still am throwing up a few times a day but it no longer has blood in it. still not going to the bathroom on my own unless they give me an enema. the pain at times is better but i think it has more to do with finally getting good pain management rather than the problem itself being better, if that makes sense?

i'm currently taking: vanco oral, flagyl iv, vanco enemas, fentanyl iv, fentanyl patch, norco oral, protonix, zofran, phenagran, bentyl, prenatal vitamin, dulcolax stool softener & fluids w/ sugar because my blood sugar was low i guess from puking/not eating a whole lot.

no clue when i'll be going home although i'm hoping its soon :(
My boyfriend who is 17, has Crohns. He also throws up blood, I haven't seen it but he tells me about it, says his stomach and throat burn severely. Any help on how he can ease the pain? I'm on desperate need of some answers.

Princess_Ber....i'm sorry your boyfriend is having problems. sounds like he may benefit from an antacid or proton pump inhibitor. something like zantac or protonix...nexium, etc may help with the burning feeling. and staying away from high acid foods/drinks. i'd definetly have him call his dr about the vomiting blood because it is worrisome and it's best to have a dr aware of the situation.
Sounds like you could be dealing with oral thrush as your newest symptom. Not sure though. Have your doc take a peek at it the next time they wander into the room (docs usually make their rounds before breakfast or after dinner but I'm sure you've got your doc timed by now). Didn't expect you to be in there this long and still not have an answer. What on Earth is the deal? I don't see why its taking them so long to order and run tests for you.
Sounds like you could be dealing with oral thrush as your newest symptom. Not sure though. Have your doc take a peek at it the next time they wander into the room (docs usually make their rounds before breakfast or after dinner but I'm sure you've got your doc timed by now). Didn't expect you to be in there this long and still not have an answer. What on Earth is the deal? I don't see why its taking them so long to order and run tests for you.

thats what i was thinking also...that it was thrush, but the dr looked at it today and said she didnt think it was. she started me on some swish/swallow med for it. (i posted in another post pics of it) anyways, no i definetly didn't think i'd be in here this long. i don't think anyone did. because of the c diff they decided not to do any scopes and because i'm pregnant they don't feel comfortable doing much else. right now they said they wouldn't treat a flare anyway until the c diff is under control. so they've been treating me for c diff and trying to control my vomiting/pain. the only real answers i have are that i have c diff and c diff accompanied with ibd can cause the pain im in. the vomiting blood is still a mystery although they suspect it was a tear from irritation/inflammation...possibly from the c diff also.
Goodness :( I'm sorry you are still in there, but thank goodness you are getting some good pain relief. It has to be scary doing all this while pregnant, I feel for you!! I don't think they would do any of this if it would be harmful to the little sprout.

13 days!! you must be going crazy in there!! :) I hope you are getting some good company and have some good books or movies. Is your husband able to take some leave to be with you there?
Hi manzyb...I'm finally home :) got discharged on Thursday. Today is the first day where I actually feel better. I'm still having pain and stomach cramping but it has decreased in frequency. I'm Definetly happy to be home!! I'm almost finished with my vancomycin which will be the test if my c diff symptoms come back after stopping them...I sure hope not!! I even put on a little weight finally and am wearing maternity clothes! (I had been losing/not gaining at all this pregnancy) I went home with 13 dif meds and am now just waiting for a GI appointment to find out what's next
Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better! :) Hopefully you'll just keep getting better and better every day!