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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Z

    Post Op meds?

    I do have Chron's, but was wondering if the immune suppressants are standard procedure after an operation.
  2. Z

    Post Op meds?

    I have just endured an emergency (non lapro) resection where about 12 inches of lower intestine was removed. Right now I am taking no meds and I am meeting with my GI next week to discuss what if any I should take. I have been fortunate in that I have had Crohn's for 24 years and really only...
  3. Z

    How long were you out of work after a laproscopic resectioning?

    I just had an emergency resection (not Lapro) on Dec 31st. So my recovery time may be longer than Lapro with the larger incision, but it is now 3 weeks and I too have the ability to work from home if needed. I am ready to work this week from home. So I would say anytime from 3 to 4 weeks is a...
  4. Z

    Second dose

    Thanks.... I hope to sit down with my GI soon to decide the best way to manage it. I don't ever want to go through this again.
  5. Z

    Second dose

    I never made it to my third dose. I had an emergency operation for an abscess that perforated. They ended up taking about a foot off my small intestine. So now I am home recuperating and waiting see what the doctor recommends next.... what a ride.
  6. Z

    Second dose

    Thanks! No side effects from my first two doses. I'm hoping to see some progress soon... they say it takes until the 3rd doses before you notice any improvemnts.
  7. Z

    Second dose

    I've had Crohn's for over 20 years and have been been able to keep it under control with ASA's for occasional flare ups. However the last year has been one long flare up and the doctor put me on Remicade. Just had the second dose yesterday and hoping to feel better soon. My biggest concern is...