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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    New Member - concern about Remicade

    Oh I apologize, I should have clarified all the injection talk! After the reaction I no longer continued with the Remicade. The reason why I felt compelled to share my side of the story with the Remicade is because no one told me just how bad the reactions could be, so I just wanted you to have...
  2. B

    My biggest fear is losing my colon.

    Even with Crohn's I have this fear as well. Well, I have a lot of fears some more rational then others ;) I am the type of person who worries constantly, has bad anxiety, and just can't wrap my head around things that are frightening to me. I will cry myself to sleep over it, so trust me I am in...
  3. B

    New Member - concern about Remicade

    I took Remicade as my first biologic. I have a severe fear of needles, ESPECIALLY IVs, but I knew that if it would help me I would be able to do it. On my third infusion I had the anaphalactic reaction. I am forever grateful to the nurse that noticed the warning sign cough and was able to stop...
  4. B

    Brand new!

    Thank for the response! 1. As for my other organs I am lucky that I am fistula free, however, I have small non-drainable abscesses around my Crohn's raging area (ileocolonic), and because of that it led to infection and or inflammation (the doctors' still aren't sure which is really happening)...
  5. B

    Brand new!

    Hello all! I am new to this forum (however not forums in general, I also belong to a wonderful horse forum) and figured I would introduce myself and share my story. I am still what I would call 'recently' diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I received the diagnosis in September/October of 2009. At...