i was always worried incase i would need a bag one day as it was always mentioned as a possibility since i was diagnosed in 2001.
...6 months ago, at the age of 21, i had my entire large intestine removed and ileostomy surgery. if i hadn't of got it when i did, i would have died...i wouldn't change a thing, i have my life back and have not had a single symptom or on any medication ever since, i have struggled with crohn's for 10 years and now i forget that i have a bag, it's no big deal, it's dead easy to look after and i have been lucky enough to never have had any complications or leaks etc.
i go out with my friends most weekends, most of them do not know about my surgery and have never suspected, i work full time- noone knows about my bag there either and i wear anything i want.
hand on heart, i wish i'd had it sooner and if i had to think of the only way this bag has had an impact on my life i would say it is having to get up in the middle of the night to empty- but saying that, i eat very late into the evening and i wear very small bags.
flick through some of the old posts in this forum, theres plenty of info and i put up a post with pictures in a few months ago.
all the best, hannah.x