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  1. SarahD

    High b12 anyone?

    It is possible to have active IBD and have a normal Calprotectin result, but not likely. No test is perfect and there is always the possibility of false positives and false negatives. If you have IBD that's in remission you can also get a normal Calprotectin result.
  2. SarahD

    Appetizing Edibles for Colonoscopy Bowel Prep in Development Appetizing Edibles for Colonoscopy Bowel Prep in Development Caroline Helwick June 03, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC — Tasty menu items may soon replace the foul-tasting purgatives typically used to prepare the bowel for colonoscopy that are so difficult to...
  3. SarahD

    High b12 anyone?

    Yep, entirely possible to have terminal ileum involvement and a normal-high B12. I have TI involvement and even mid-flare my B12 tested at the high end of normal.
  4. SarahD

    Alendronic acid

    I'm on alendronic acid, and have been for a couple of years now. I've had no problems from it at all. I had GERD pre-dating the alendronic acid, and I haven't noticed any correlation between the two.
  5. SarahD

    Seasonal Inflammation Responses discovered

    Whilst I was at school and university I would usually have a flare around September time. I'm not sure if it was a seasonal thing or just due to the stresses of going back to school/uni. Since I left uni I've been in an epic 4-year flare up which started very suddenly in July 2011 (11 months...
  6. SarahD

    Poop samples - how do you do it?!

    I make a cone out of tin foil and poo into that, then I take out what I need to put in the tube and tip what I can of the "left overs" down the toilet. The advantage of tin foil is you can then seal the top of the cone before putting it in the bin so there's nothing yucky exposed.
  7. SarahD

    Onset of symptoms the next day after trigger foods

    Calprotectin, ESR and colonoscopy all show inflammation. My CRP is always normal. I had a scope a month ago which showed a lot of inflammation in the TI, and my most recent Calprotectin was >600 (that's the cut off for the test my hospital use). My Calprotectin hasn't dropped under that cut-off...
  8. SarahD

    CCFA Nutrition Survey - 1 in 5 wins Amazon gift certificate

    I received mine this morning. I'd actually given up hope that it was going to arrive.
  9. SarahD

    Onset of symptoms the next day after trigger foods

    ncman, I did an elemental diet prior to starting LOFFLEX. The elemental diet is supposed to put you in to remission, and then usually once you're in remission you can move onto LOFFLEX. The elemental diet managed to clear up my symptoms about 90%, but even after 8 weeks I wasn't in remission. My...
  10. SarahD

    Onset of symptoms the next day after trigger foods

    In the beginning I was following the LOFFLEX diet. That failed miserably and I then started a full eliminiation diet instead. My dietitian gave me a list of foods to test first - mainly ones which were less likely to cause problems. After I'd gone through the list provided by my dietitian I more...
  11. SarahD

    Onset of symptoms the next day after trigger foods

    It's not too bad, I'm doing an elimination diet so I try new foods one at a time for 4 days to see if they agree with me or not. It's a slow process but for me it's been worthwhile. A food diary does help too :)
  12. SarahD

    Onset of symptoms the next day after trigger foods

    For me a reaction can take about 3 days of eating a test food to appear. I have a few big triggers that appear with a few hours, but most take about 3-4 days.
  13. SarahD

    Missed infliximab

    I was told if I was going to miss an appointment to give at least 24 hours notice where possible, as the Infliximab is made up the day before your appt. If not it gets wasted, and it's a very expensive drug to waste.
  14. SarahD

    Can't use flagyl & cipro, what can I use for a flare up?

    Augmentin has helped me several times in the past too. Alternatively, could you try a course of steroids?
  15. SarahD

    Can Elemental 028 Extra cause this pain?

    Hi Littleshoes, Did you slowly introduce the E028, or did you go straight to the full daily amount? When I was on E028 I was told to introduce it over a period of a few days, else it can cause pain and bloating. The green diarrhea is a normal side-effect for many people on EN, so I wouldn't...
  16. SarahD

    Invisible Illness and Public Transportation

    I can relate too. I travel to and from work on the bus 5 days a week and often worry that I'll be expected to give up my seat for someone elderly or with an obvious disability. Other people can be very judgmental when you look healthy, even if the reality is you're seriously ill. I often have to...
  17. SarahD

    Tramadol (painkillers)

    I tried Codeine and paracetamol before Tramadol. The Codeine resulted in me developing a blockage and I spent 5 days in hospital on IV steroids, antibiotics and EN to try to get things moving again. That's when I was swtiched to Tramadol, as it's supposed to be less constipating. I find that on...
  18. SarahD

    Tramadol (painkillers)

    I've been on Tramadol for nearly 2 years for pain related to a road traffic accident I was in. Whilst the Tramadol doesn't take away all of my pain, it does take the edge off. I would say though that I really have to keep taking the Tramadol to keep on top of the pain. If I miss a dose and the...
  19. SarahD

    CCFA Nutrition Survey - 1 in 5 wins Amazon gift certificate

    I still haven't received an email from them. Beginning to think it's a con.
  20. SarahD

    Do you have RLQ pain? LLQ?

    I have normal BM's (tending towards constipation actually) and both LLQ and RLQ pain. The pain is crampy in nature.