My son presented with genital swelling in August 2015. Scrotum swollen and shaft of his penis swollen. We saw urologists, rheumatology, gastroenterology, and dermatology over several months. In October 2015 he started with right lower lip swelling. December 2015 we did a lip biopsy which confirmed granuloma tissue and he was diagnosed with cutaneous (skin) crohns. He was started on prednisone and flagyl. Prednisone helped with the lip swelling with a slow taper but did nothing for the genital swelling. January of this year he had a EGD/Colonoscopy and all was clear. Dermatologist presented my son's case at a conference and it was suggested by all there that humira or remicade was the drug of choice for him. We needed something to reduce the swelling in the genital area. I was hesistant. We chose to go with the remicade. He has received only two doses and did well. No relief yet in the swelling. Otherwise, my son is healthy. Just wondering if anyone has any similar experiences. And how their child has been doing on remicade.