My daughter is a happy, "almost 13 year old" middle schooler who has had a "stomach bug" 3 times since the end of October (2015). During these episodes, no family members contracted the stomach bug and none of her friends were sick. Each time she has missed 3 days of school (9 total) more than she missed in all of elementary school. Each episode started in the middle of the night with stomach pain, hours later diarrhea and then nausea and vomitting. Vomiting started in each case about 12-15 hours after initial onset. Fever also came the second day of the event. If she had been running a low grade fever prior to this, I was unaware of it.
Today we visited the doctor and upon my comment that it seemed odd to have the stomach bug three times in about 3 months he said "I think she needs to be scoped" and then asked about family history of IBD. I explain that her grandfather suffered with ulcerative colitis for years and he decided to refer her to a pediatric GI doc.
I'm a concerned and worried not sure what to think now. Do these episodes sound like "flares"? I know everyone is different, but I was caught off guard today and not sure what to think. She does have a history of constipation from age 7-9, but outgrew it.
Signed, Worried Mom.
My daughter is a happy, "almost 13 year old" middle schooler who has had a "stomach bug" 3 times since the end of October (2015). During these episodes, no family members contracted the stomach bug and none of her friends were sick. Each time she has missed 3 days of school (9 total) more than she missed in all of elementary school. Each episode started in the middle of the night with stomach pain, hours later diarrhea and then nausea and vomitting. Vomiting started in each case about 12-15 hours after initial onset. Fever also came the second day of the event. If she had been running a low grade fever prior to this, I was unaware of it.
Today we visited the doctor and upon my comment that it seemed odd to have the stomach bug three times in about 3 months he said "I think she needs to be scoped" and then asked about family history of IBD. I explain that her grandfather suffered with ulcerative colitis for years and he decided to refer her to a pediatric GI doc.
I'm a concerned and worried not sure what to think now. Do these episodes sound like "flares"? I know everyone is different, but I was caught off guard today and not sure what to think. She does have a history of constipation from age 7-9, but outgrew it.
Signed, Worried Mom.