So I am 24, I first went to the doctor when I was 20 with bleeding. Was told it was hemoroids and sent home. A month later I had been suffering from dizzy spells and more bleeding. Got a colonoscopy, they said it was colitis. They started treating me and it seemed to work. Still lots of blood, still diarrhoea but manageable. Fast forward to last year/this year. New town, new life, new job. Life was going good. I was happy, working, had everything I wanted. Then the bleeding started getting worse, and the bathroom trips got more frequent. Then I lost controls of my bowls. I went on myself in public for the first time, it just hit me and was done. The pain got so bad I couldn't move. Had to go to the hospital. 4 days, 7k later I was out. I had my first major flare up.
Life continues and I start a new job, it's going amazing, up for a promotion. Then it happens again. Flare up, vooooosh. Collapse at work, can barely move. In tears. Go to the hospital. Flare up confirmed but it looks odd, my meds should be working and nothing. Spend a week and the last of my savings. Lose my job while in the hospital. I should be fine, patched me up. See a doctor in three weeks. So my friend pays for and takes me a couple towns over for vacation. First week goes great second week. It starts to come back, the sharp pains. Heavy blood loss, constipation or rapid release, the lottery was there. Throwing up my food. We start to head back, have to stop ever half hour to an hour, making it to my current town to my gi doctor. She has me admitted. 2 weeks, a colonoscopy later.. I have Crohn's, mountain of debt, threat of bill collectors, depression, can't work cause the Crohn's is barely held back. Doing minimum daily stuff and already in pain again. (just left hospital most recently 3 days ago) Blood, stress, thoughts of suicide. No family around, scared, lost and unsure. Got denied for medicade and SSD. The state I live in isn't a big fan of handing it out. I don't know what to do... I can't sleep, I am loosing myself and I feel so... I just don't know...
I like video games, and reading, trying to learn programming. I write in my spare time and just try and enjoy what little happiness I can still find with all these stressors beating down on me. I go by Chase, if you read all this thanks for taking the time to listen.
Life continues and I start a new job, it's going amazing, up for a promotion. Then it happens again. Flare up, vooooosh. Collapse at work, can barely move. In tears. Go to the hospital. Flare up confirmed but it looks odd, my meds should be working and nothing. Spend a week and the last of my savings. Lose my job while in the hospital. I should be fine, patched me up. See a doctor in three weeks. So my friend pays for and takes me a couple towns over for vacation. First week goes great second week. It starts to come back, the sharp pains. Heavy blood loss, constipation or rapid release, the lottery was there. Throwing up my food. We start to head back, have to stop ever half hour to an hour, making it to my current town to my gi doctor. She has me admitted. 2 weeks, a colonoscopy later.. I have Crohn's, mountain of debt, threat of bill collectors, depression, can't work cause the Crohn's is barely held back. Doing minimum daily stuff and already in pain again. (just left hospital most recently 3 days ago) Blood, stress, thoughts of suicide. No family around, scared, lost and unsure. Got denied for medicade and SSD. The state I live in isn't a big fan of handing it out. I don't know what to do... I can't sleep, I am loosing myself and I feel so... I just don't know...
I like video games, and reading, trying to learn programming. I write in my spare time and just try and enjoy what little happiness I can still find with all these stressors beating down on me. I go by Chase, if you read all this thanks for taking the time to listen.