3 Bears & my Stomach

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I was just telling my Husband that right now I'm feeling like the three bears. At this point in time, my stomach can't be too empty or too full. It has to be just right or else I'm in pain, have nausea or an upset stomach. I know that this is one that you really can't help me with. But, was wondering if any of you sometimes feel the same way...
I understand the feeling. Its all simply unknown/random and its rarely "just right."
Oh yes, I understand completely-I'm going through that too! So glad to know I'm not the only one. Ugh it is really annoying, isn't it??? I can't seem to get my doctor to take me seriously about how disruptive this can be...*sigh*
Thanks for your replies. Even though my thread might sound pretty funny, it's also really frusterating as well.

Crabby: You're absolutely right. It's hard to get to that correct place where you're feeling even close to normal.

Mountaingem: I too have had a horrible time getting my doctor to take me seriously. Especially when every test and biopsy she's taken has come out normal. I'm totally ready for something to come out wrong just so the doctors can't say it's in my head and actually will fix it!

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