Hello everyone. I had my 3rd infusion last Monday and since I started the remi I've felt the best I have In a long time. The side effects have been crappy and I always feel so fatigued 3 to 4 days after my infusion but other then that my GI sympthoms have subsided.....until last night and NOW. I'm starting to get bad bad cramping/pain on the left side (crohns is located in the descending colon) that is so bad I'm curled over on the bowl with the urge that I'm going to have massive diarrhea but then only a sm formed bm comes and with in a minute the pain and cramping comes back. Could this be a sign I'm starting to flare and the remi isn't helping me anymore? I'm so disappointed right now. Just when I thought my life was getting back on track this nightmare seems to be coming back.