That's when i collapsed in front of the cafeteria at San Francisco State College during my graduate studies to prevent from being drafted into the army. I called a cab and got over to the hospital after picking out the first doctor i saw in the phone book. They took out the appendix and looked around and found the ileum and ascending colon needed to be removed. Since 1968, I've had the usual Crohn problems. blood transfusions, resections, 3 am emergency room sessions after something I ate got stuck at the resection.
Lately though, the pain is coming from elbows, knuckles, and forearms. Nothing really eases the pain for long. Remicade i suppose makes the Crohns better, but I think has increased the pain. Anybody out there have similar reactions to remicade? Anyway, this is for you young 'uns out there. You can make it to 65 at least.. We just need a toilet not more than 5 minutes away at all times. And that is not possible. It's a crappy little painintheass problem.
Lately though, the pain is coming from elbows, knuckles, and forearms. Nothing really eases the pain for long. Remicade i suppose makes the Crohns better, but I think has increased the pain. Anybody out there have similar reactions to remicade? Anyway, this is for you young 'uns out there. You can make it to 65 at least.. We just need a toilet not more than 5 minutes away at all times. And that is not possible. It's a crappy little painintheass problem.