Some people straight out are going to maybe call me
crazy or may disregard my post here. Currently getting near the end of my run on steroids (5mg) and currently on 100mg of 6-MP. Not to mention, Prilosec, Lorazapam, and Supplements.
I don't believe in this treatment. This is CRAZY. Regardless of getting my blood checked every month, it just can't be the only method and I can't come to terms with believing it is safe. Chemo therapy drugs?
Yet at the same time I feel so hopeless. I'm beginning to feel crummy again as the steroid dosage is getting closer to zero. This is my second flare in a year and 1/2. I'm suffering bone density loss from steroid treatment. I have tried azathioprine. My flare may not be coming back, I'll know soon I suppose.
Docs want to avoid steroids due to the Osteopenia. I refuse to try Remicade or Humira. I have a friend with Crohn's who sees a fairly well known nutritionist. She found no luck in medication, but her nutrition and diet have kept her pain free.
I know my doctor is going to tell me diet has no proven correlation to Crohn's. They aren't trained to believe in nutrition as a way of healing. I respect their beliefs and methods but I don't know that they are for me.
I literally am in tears today. If anyone can identify with this struggle or offer hope through nutrition - Hope, in general, is much needed today. Thanks for reading!
crazy or may disregard my post here. Currently getting near the end of my run on steroids (5mg) and currently on 100mg of 6-MP. Not to mention, Prilosec, Lorazapam, and Supplements.
I don't believe in this treatment. This is CRAZY. Regardless of getting my blood checked every month, it just can't be the only method and I can't come to terms with believing it is safe. Chemo therapy drugs?
Yet at the same time I feel so hopeless. I'm beginning to feel crummy again as the steroid dosage is getting closer to zero. This is my second flare in a year and 1/2. I'm suffering bone density loss from steroid treatment. I have tried azathioprine. My flare may not be coming back, I'll know soon I suppose.
Docs want to avoid steroids due to the Osteopenia. I refuse to try Remicade or Humira. I have a friend with Crohn's who sees a fairly well known nutritionist. She found no luck in medication, but her nutrition and diet have kept her pain free.
I know my doctor is going to tell me diet has no proven correlation to Crohn's. They aren't trained to believe in nutrition as a way of healing. I respect their beliefs and methods but I don't know that they are for me.
I literally am in tears today. If anyone can identify with this struggle or offer hope through nutrition - Hope, in general, is much needed today. Thanks for reading!