As a lot of you know my son was diagnosed with crohns thru the use of the pill cam. No endoscope or colonoscopy indicated crohns. He has about 60 ulcerations of different degrees right now in his juijeum part of his intestine. As I have told all of you in the past he has NO PAIN. We started 6mp a couple of weeks ago, and he had many isssues, dizzyness, nausea, and a funny rash. He was taken off 6mp for 2 weeks and was great no symtoms at all ate whatever he wanted within reason and just looked dam good. Now he is back on it and there is no dizzyness or rash, but again he has nauseousness and throws up after he eats, and will also throw up when nothing is in his stomach. His doctors have done all the tests nessesary to see if there is some type of obstruction (small bowel series, etc) and tomorrow morning we will be getting blood drawn to see if something is up with his pancreas. Any suggestions??????