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Aug 18, 2011
I have just started 6MP a couple of days ago, I am wondering how quick do the side effects start? I have previously been on aza and I had a bad reaction but I feel sick, and seem to be starting with a sore throut and back pain? Anyone else had these symptoms?
Tell your doctor about any side effects you have with those meds (everyone is different so I'm sure that side effects could be immediate to a few weeks down the road). I'm one of the lucky ones I guess who hasn't had any side effects after being on it for many years.
I have also just started 6MP 5 weeks ago after having some bad side effects from Aza. And I did feel sick as soon as a couple of days after taking 6MP but it only lasted a week or two. However I have had a sore throat and sinus infection since then and I just can't seem to shift it. I phoned my Spec last week to ask if coming off 6MP would help me get better and he said my latest bloods showed my WBC was in the normal range so to stick with it and wait until the summer hits properly (live in NZ) and I should shake it.
How much 6MP are you on?
100mg (I think) is pretty high to start. I've ony just gone from 25-32mg. Aiming for 50mg. So I can see why your feeling a bit seedy. Hang in there. It should pass but if you get other symptoms which are worrying to you, talk to you doc. Good luck with that. I hope it goes well for you. It means the world to us to get into remission!!! I'm not quite there yet but hoping once I get to the right level of 6MP things will start to improve. My doc just wants to go slowly though as Aza wasn't that great for me.
It may and may not be high to start. All depends on the severity and weight/size of the person I believe. I've never been on less than 50mg and am currently on 75mg.
Your so right Crabby. Sorry to seem like 100 was high. I guess it is to me but not to others. Just hope your feeling ok. :)
I've been on 6MP since September...started with 50mg. 5 weeks ago the dose was upped to 75mg. I had sore throats as well, but after my GP (not my GI believe it or not) suggested that sore throats sometimes symbolize acid reflux. I was put on Prilosec 20mg daily and my sore throats magically went away. As a nice aside, I was once again able to indulge in tomatoes without heartburn! Otherwise, my experience with 6MP is quite similar to others...had strep, sinus infection, and a bad cold ever since I started with it and now the fatigue is just unbelieveable. But I was told by several GI's that its a fantastic drug but it takes some time for it to really take effect on the Crohns symptoms (4-6 weeks). So, though I'm not in remission yet, the 6MP is definitely helping make this more managable, even with the side effects. Hope this helps and you should feel good soon!