It's good to hear the Surgeons wishes but that doesn't over ride your right to get it done on a private basis if you so wish. Just because the Surgeon feels he wants xx to do the scan, it is down to you to decide what
you want to happen. I am sure you could easily find the type of Radiologist Surgeon would prefer in the private sector.
Trysha, there is nothing wrong with the system per se. It's the fact that funding and resources are being cut all the time. If the Government wished to improve things then they could find funding by cutting unneccessary spending... but they want to prepare us for a USA style system right now
And as far as i'm aware the NHS hasn't failed
My personal experiences of it are terrible but that's because my Hospital is a load of S*** and don't care about their patients (a complaint response from the Chief Exec contained no "sorry you are ill and have been for 5 years with no dx" but a "you can get your GP to send you somewhere else").
However I can see past my terrible experience and realise things are much better elsewhere. As an almost scary parallel there was another member in the UK undiagnosed who got everything I was refused (on cost or other grounds) with less clinical evidence than me and got a possible/probable diagnosis following a laporacsopy-which I was refused by an arrogant s.o.a.b surgeon- and a good one too, looks like not IBD and the problem was taken away during surgery!
I could tell you stories about my time living in the USA with no insurance that would make your hair curl.