So I posted yesterday about lumps in my right abdomen between my lowest rib and my hip. I felt really bad last night with lots of pain in those lumps on that side...4 pain pill and a sleeping pill later, I finally got some rest. Today when I woke up I felt terrible. I saw GI and he can feel the lumps but doesnt know what they are. Maybe some inflamation in the muscle tissue, or on the outer of the intestines. Possibly a sm flare?? Its not typical flare pain or symptoms. He said if things are not better by Monday that he would proceed with an ultrasound just to make sure things are of no worry. So, not sure what to think. I get Remicade in the morning, so I hope it will calm things down. Im not having many bathroom issues...they exist, and always will, but manageable. Today for the first day in a few weeks, I a "sick" again. My fatigue and body aches are terrible. Im exhausted and looking pale and flushed out. I hope that this is just a "bad" day and tomorrow will be better. Im trying to go back to school for a year to get my teaching license and I dont know how I will handle school on "bad" days...hopefully they stay to a minimum.