A birthday gift from Humira? How soon can it work?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 31, 2013
So I had my loading doses Wednesday. Is it crazy to think it can work this soon?
It's my birthday today and I had the best present ever this am...
A fully formed large hard bm. Normally they are spirals,floaty small pieces, or D.
Is it really possible it's working already or am I just getting a bday reprieve?
I would love to hear anyone else's experience :)
For me it seem to start working the very next day after my loading doses. But I was having a very bad day the day of my appointment and threw up everything I put in my body. The next day I started to feel better. After a few days I felt as good as I did on the steroids without the horrid side effects. Within a few weeks I was only pooping once or twice a day, down from about 10 or so.

I have had a few bad days, which I attribute to stress and very poor diet (my DH was in the hospital, so I surviving on fast food and vending machine junk), but I have gained back the weight I lost and I have some actual energy again. I couldn't believe it would work that fast either, but it seemed to in my case.