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Another clear, hot day (86°F) with mild breeze. I raked up piles of oak leaves but ran out of steam before gathering to put in compost. If the wind doesn't redistribute the leaves, maybe I can finish off that project tomorrow or later this week! 🤔
Be kind to yourself Patsy, the work will still be there next week
Yesterday I came across a TV prog. I had never seen,called ALONE where folk are dropped off seperately in Labrador and have to survive for 3 months with only some basic survival stuff,no food just a video camera,tarp,bow and arrow and their wits....last "survivor" wins $500,000. Any way,what I was getting at was your Black Flies were in abundance and mentioned .( not with kindness I add )There were apparently 10,000,black bears to keep them company and other predators.I enjoyed the program and will watch more on catch up, as the one I saw was series 9 .I prefer them to
"celebrity" rubbish,,,,,,not that I've EVER watched those shows,only the ads under duress...
This is one of my favorite programs. These take place in fall with the onset of winter. Contestants are dropped off in remote areas in the fall and cope with living off of the land as long as possible before winter conditions force many to quit until only one person is left who wins the prize. Several shows took place in Northern Canada which has a similar climate and lands to where I live in Northwestern Ontario.
I am too old now, but if this program took place when I was young I would have signed up for the challenge as I am familiar with living off of the land and trapping which I did in my younger years.
The biggest mistake many of the contestants make are getting lonely from missing family which mentally breaks them down until they quit, or not putting enough efforts into making a good shelter.
Yes the biting flies are bad in the fall, but nothing like the power and vigor they have in spring when they first hatch that can drive a sane person crazy.
I had a good long walk over the lake yesterday in the sunshine and dry cold until I had to turn back because the body was not holding up like it used to. Glad to put bum to seat and another log into the fire.
-7C Cloudiness