A concerned Mum

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 27, 2012
Hi, I don't have this awful disease, however my 19 year old daughter has.
It all started last October [2011] when she went off to Uni. She caught 'freshers flu' and started with D, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite. She passed out twice before she told us how bad she was. She was tested for food poisoning and gastroenteritis - both negative. We got her home and 2 days before Xmas she collapsed at home, we called a paramedic and she was taken to A&E. After waiting for @ 7 hours !! she was just about to be released when they noticed a heart murmur, had this not been noticed she would have been sent home. She was seen by Gastroenterology, due to the symptoms she had originally shown, who said it could be IBD. After 3 colonoscopies,[2 showing ulcerated colon and one normal !!] and steriods, and pred they decided it was UC. As the initial steroids didn't help she was given an anti-inflammatory enema to be administered daily. This didn't help either. She still had bloody stools and constant nausea [for which they now prescribe an anti nausea tablet - neither use nor ornament]. Although her appetite did return. They also now have her seeing an endocronologist as she has had 2 synacthen tests now showing she has adrenal deficiency for which she is on hydrocortisone. But after 3 months on that there seems to be no improvement. She is now awating a capsule test. As the anti-inflamatorys were not working she was prescribed Azathioprine which has made her worse. Her nausea has returned, her loss of appetite and fatigue got worse. After 4 days on that they told her to stop taking them, we are now waiting to see her consultant next week for the next step.
The poor girl has returned to Uni for her 2nd year - luckily she is near so can come home at the drop of a hat.
I don't know what to do for the best for her except be there for her.
She has coped so well as on some days she is really poorly.
A concerned parent xx
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So sorry to hear that your daughter is having to deal with this. It can be so devasting on these kids yet they seem to have so much inner strength and it amazes me how determined they are.
I don't have any advice to give just support as my son hasn't been on azathioprine his first med was Remicade. I truly hope they are able to get her meds adjusted and she is feeling better real soon.
Hi dawn_c and :welcome:

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and all she is going through. :hug: It sounds as if you have all been put through the wringer. :(

What country are you located in?

Is the diagnosis of UC definitive?
Although medicinal treatment for UC and Crohn's is very similar it is imperative to know the difference if surgery is ever thrown up as a possibility.

Have they scheduled a capsule endoscopy because they suspect she has disease in her small bowel? Is that what you mean by a capsule test?

Has Enteral Nutrition ever been discussed with you as first line treatment for her bowel issues? It rests the bowel whilst providing all the nutritional needs she will require. It can be as successful as steroids at inducing remission which is the first aim when commencing any treatment for IBD. We have many parent's on the forum that have vast experience with EN. We also have a parent's forum so please pop by as we would love to see you there. :) ...http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49

Please browse through the Treament forum, you will find sub forums on the various medications as well as an EN forum. They packed full of info and advice.

Oh hun, I well know the helpless feeling of standing by and watching our children suffer but you are doing fab and being there for her is priceless. :hug:

Now, i hope I haven't overwhelmed you with all my questions!

Dusty. xxx
Hi there and welcome :) I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. My heart goes out to you, her, and your entire family :(

I agree with Dustykat 100%. As I read your story I thought "Enteral Nutrition" as well. And be sure to connect with the other parents in the Parents of Kids with IBD section. They're an amazing group of people.

We're here for you!
Thanks for your responses, clash, David and DustyKat it is much appreciated,
My daughter has been told she is in that 10% grey area that at the moment they cannot give a definitive answer whether its crohns or UC.
Yes DustyKat it is the capsule endoscopy we are waiting for. We are in the UK. I had not heard of Enteral nutrition, but shall read up on that so we can ask her Gastro consultant next week.
Thanks again and I shall chat to the other parents of kids with IBD.

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