A few questions about colonoscopy

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May 12, 2013
How long does it take to recover from a colonoscopy? I'm booked in for weds 29th and my birthday is on fri 31st... I don't want to feel rubbish on my birthday so is this enough time?
Also, do you usually get put to sleep or sedated? (Not too bothered about the actual thing though as I have had 2 flexi sigmoidoscopies, it's the prep I'm scared of because I am in remission now :( )
Hi, Graceymay!

There's no real recovery time for a colonoscopy. You're not supposed to be alone for 24 hours afterwards due to the sedation, but I'm generally feeling normal the afternoon after the test is done. I do usually take a long nap afterwards, and that helps. The test itself doesn't make me feel bad or sick in any way, it's just the anesthesia.

I personally get all the way knocked out. :p I think most people in the US do, but it seems that they only sedate you in the UK. Either way, it shouldn't affect your recovery time.
I get completely knocked out.

Sarah hit it on the head there is 0 recovery time really. You probably shouldn't drive yourself home if you were sedated or knocked completely out. Other then that you should be fine.
Thanks for the replies. By the sounds of it I should be ok to return to work the next day but I guess it depends on how strong the sedation is! Do you think the prep will cause me to flare up in any way? Being on the toilet constantly for a day doesn't sound good :(
I'm always told not to work for 24 hours after a colonoscopy because of the sedation, so you may not be able to go to work the next day. I find that I feel completely drained the following day too, just because the prep is exhausting and due to not eating anything for a day and a half.
Hi Gracey May, my 16 year old daughter has had a colonoscopy 3 times now and is having it done again and endoscopy on Tuesday. She has always had sedation. Once had the procedure she is fine. Sometimes has a painful tummy but that was because last time she had a flare and was ulcerated through out the bowel.
The prep is the worse part and you may very well be on toilet all day, I usually take day before off and work day after. Since the procedure is rather fast maybe 15 minutes they usually use a quick acting sedative or proforyl which also leaves your system fast. Most of the fatigue is probably from lack of eating. I am sure the UK use's different medicines and such though so my experience may not correlate.

I have never flared from one and only read one story on here of someone having that experience.
For my first three, I was knocked out completely. Just had one on Friday aith the sedation and I didn't notice any difference... I still don't remember a thing about the procedure (or, unfortunately, the conversation with the doctor afterwards).
Thank you for the replies. Yeah, in the leaflet I got it tells me to bring someone with me incase I'm too drowsy to remember what the doctor has said to me ha! Not too worried about the actual procedure as I've never been in any pain during the sigmoidoscopies, I just don't wanna do the prep. Wah! :(
I know what you mean, graceymay! I haven't seen the GI yet but I'm sure he'll want to do a colonoscopy. I dread the prep much more than the exam! Sleepy time doesn't bother me, and I do remember some pain from my previous scope, but still that's much better than the prep. Boo.
My son had a horrible time with the prep for his first scope - may have partially been due to the fact that he was having his first flare and this was prediagnosis and treatment. But, to make the prep easier on him the second time, I put him on a low residue diet for a 2-3 days prior to 'prep' day, then the day before 'prep' day, kept him on 90% fluids (ie broth, Boost shakes, etc. - he had a little bit of chicken and white bread) and then the 'prep' the next day. He had a very easy time of it this time round! My hope had been that by keeping him on the low res and mainly fluid diet, there would be much less to clean out... good luck!
Thanks again for all the replies. I am currently doing the bowel prep now, my colonoscopy is at 1:30pm tomorrow and they have told me to take 2 doses of picolax one this morning and one this afternoon and then 1 litre of klean-prep which I am due to start at 6pm tonight (not looking forward to that from what i've heard!) it sounds quite excessive to do both?!
I've managed to have a small breakfast and lunch as directed by the nurse but then that's it until after the procedure :( I am not a nice person to be around when hungry! :ymad:
Good luck graceymay! The prep is definitely the worst part. You'll be fine. :) In Australia we have twilight sedation for those procedures so are still technically conscious but don't remember a thing - it seems sometimes it's the same in the UK and sometimes different? When I came to in recovery I was ecstatically happy for about 20 minutes because of the drugs - I hope you have the same feeling, it (almost) makes the foul prep worthwhile!

Oh, and I had the same amount of prep as you, so no, it's not excessive. But not fun either. :-(

You're lucky to have something to eat the day before your procedure - although did you mean solid food or just "approved clear liquids"? I know I had 48 hours between my last bite of solid food and the sandwiches I was given in hospital after the procedure - I don't think I've ever been so glad to see food! ;-)
Thanks elvie, yes I'm going to be sedated! Can't wait for the sleep afterwards ha!
I've had solid foods today, so it will be just over 24hrs without food. I've been reading about a lot of people who have been told liquids only for the whole day before and got a bit worried but I have a print out from the hospital with clear instructions on what I can and can't eat, and lunch is strictly the last of solid food. Maybe all hospitals are different in their procedures slightly!
Did you have an enema before the procedure too?
No, I didn't have an enema. I agree that different hospitals do seem to have sometimes completely different procedures for the same thing - all we can do is follow their instructions and hope for the best! Hope all goes well. :)
Thank you, I've just had it done now. Bit disappointed with the sedation/pain killers, I hardly felt any different and some parts were REALLY painful :( I feel pretty relaxed now so maybe it's only just kicking in ha.
The good part is the consultant/surgeon said there was no inflammation, need a proper follow up appointment now at my clinic for more info but I presume that's crohns ruled out then :D
Did they take biopsies, gracey? That would be more definitive to rule out Crohn's, sometimes the Crohn's can be present in the intestinal layers without inflammation. but it's definitely a good sign that there's no inflammation! Congrats on making it through.
Well done on getting through it! Sounds like you can remember the procedure then so the sedation must have been very light? I'm thankful that I don't remember a thing once I felt the drugs go through my system - next thing I remember is coming to in recovery. Fingers crossed you don't have Crohn's though it is true that biopsies will be definitive on that. Yay for no inflammation though. :smile: