Well, if I'm going to try and become an active member of this forum, I guess I'd better introduce myself first!
Pretty normal life up until about the age of 15. First ever gastro issues came in the form of morning IBS. We weren't worried about it at the time as we did a little research and found that it was a pretty common occurrence amongst teenagers.
Went to Florida back in 2007 and had my first major painful stomach ache after eating a rather heavy meal. It was a burning pain. Quick trip to the GP when I got home meant being prescribed Lansoprazole as it was assumed I either had an acute stomach ulcer or just "dyspepsia" AKA cop-out diagnosis.
Digestive issues getting a little more unpleasant. By the time I was 18, I was starting to lack in good quality sleep and the stomach pains had started to creep over into all times of day as well as the morning - especially bad straight after work and in the middle of the night. Another trip back to the GP and was referred to upper GI specialist who formally diagnosed IBS. About a year later, I had blood in stools. This was the first time I felt that the NHS started to take me seriously. I was booked in for a colonoscopy and lower GI specialist for early 2014.
Colonoscopy done (wasn't that big of a deal but I can't say it was easy either). Confirmed diagnosis of colitis but still indeterminate as to whether it was UC or Crohn's. Regardless, the treatment was mostly the same so they weren't that bothered about splitting hairs over which type. Started Pentasa. As expected, the Pentasa didn't work...which seems to be the case for most people I speak to. Finally got appointment with colitis specialist and given Prednisolone - this worked wonders. I gained weight and an appetite and I could almost feel the loss of inflammation in my bowels. Of course, I couldn't take these long term so it was time to start Azathioprine. I won't lie - on its own Azathioprine did bugger all. It didn't help that I was in the middle of exams and that my ex and I had broken up. Stress and IBD is an ultimate killer for me. So they decided to combine the Azathioprine WITH Humira. This seemed to help but it didn't take long for the Humira to lose effectiveness. Luckily, I was healthy enough to both pass my degree and begin my PGCE (teaching course). It was a tough couple of years but I got there.
Worked as a supply teacher for a while - mostly because it was flexible, meaning I could take sick days as needed. However, I started to notice some of my old symptoms were returning more regularly. I was running to the bathroom a little more, spending more time in there, and I found I wasn't as hungry as I once was. I tried to ignore it. Tried to put it off. By summer, I started to get pretty sick and in September (just after 24th birthday) I started a new job working in finance. Conveniently, I had the worst flare up of my entire disease after just 2 weeks in the job. Spent 5 days in hospital on fluids, hydrocortisone and started Infliximab as we agreed that Humira had run/was about to run its course. So now I'm waiting on my second loading dose. Hoping that this will work or I think I'm kinda screwed.
I'm fully aware of the fact that I may well need surgery over the next 12 months, even if the Infliximab heals the inflammation - I have scar tissue so no amount of medication can get rid of that. I'm incredibly nervous about the procedure because I don't like the idea of going in for a resection/strictoplasty and then having them change their mind and give me a stoma mid-op (which I've heard is possible). I'm also afraid of how my body will look post-surgery - I have pretty poor physical self-esteem as it is. Finally, there's the money issue. I've been struggling with debt due to my inconsistent working schedule as a supply teacher. I relied too much on borrowed money to see me through the rough patches. Now I'm paying for it by having to work 50 hour weeks in my new finance job in order to keep it all under control. God knows how I'm going to pay my bills while I'm recovering from surgery. I'll try and save up a little but I really can't see myself realistically earning enough to do that. Guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it as well as hoping that the Infliximab holds off surgery for as long as possible.
Anyway, enough about me. The intro is done now haha. I think that sums up my experience so far. There are obviously a lot more details and specific incidents I could talk about but that would just take forever!
If there are any questions, I'll be happy to answer!I'm sure you probably won't but if you'd like to know a little more then I guess it can't hurt for me to open up a little!
Also, yes. I'm a rambler. Sorry!
Pretty normal life up until about the age of 15. First ever gastro issues came in the form of morning IBS. We weren't worried about it at the time as we did a little research and found that it was a pretty common occurrence amongst teenagers.
Went to Florida back in 2007 and had my first major painful stomach ache after eating a rather heavy meal. It was a burning pain. Quick trip to the GP when I got home meant being prescribed Lansoprazole as it was assumed I either had an acute stomach ulcer or just "dyspepsia" AKA cop-out diagnosis.
Digestive issues getting a little more unpleasant. By the time I was 18, I was starting to lack in good quality sleep and the stomach pains had started to creep over into all times of day as well as the morning - especially bad straight after work and in the middle of the night. Another trip back to the GP and was referred to upper GI specialist who formally diagnosed IBS. About a year later, I had blood in stools. This was the first time I felt that the NHS started to take me seriously. I was booked in for a colonoscopy and lower GI specialist for early 2014.
Colonoscopy done (wasn't that big of a deal but I can't say it was easy either). Confirmed diagnosis of colitis but still indeterminate as to whether it was UC or Crohn's. Regardless, the treatment was mostly the same so they weren't that bothered about splitting hairs over which type. Started Pentasa. As expected, the Pentasa didn't work...which seems to be the case for most people I speak to. Finally got appointment with colitis specialist and given Prednisolone - this worked wonders. I gained weight and an appetite and I could almost feel the loss of inflammation in my bowels. Of course, I couldn't take these long term so it was time to start Azathioprine. I won't lie - on its own Azathioprine did bugger all. It didn't help that I was in the middle of exams and that my ex and I had broken up. Stress and IBD is an ultimate killer for me. So they decided to combine the Azathioprine WITH Humira. This seemed to help but it didn't take long for the Humira to lose effectiveness. Luckily, I was healthy enough to both pass my degree and begin my PGCE (teaching course). It was a tough couple of years but I got there.
Worked as a supply teacher for a while - mostly because it was flexible, meaning I could take sick days as needed. However, I started to notice some of my old symptoms were returning more regularly. I was running to the bathroom a little more, spending more time in there, and I found I wasn't as hungry as I once was. I tried to ignore it. Tried to put it off. By summer, I started to get pretty sick and in September (just after 24th birthday) I started a new job working in finance. Conveniently, I had the worst flare up of my entire disease after just 2 weeks in the job. Spent 5 days in hospital on fluids, hydrocortisone and started Infliximab as we agreed that Humira had run/was about to run its course. So now I'm waiting on my second loading dose. Hoping that this will work or I think I'm kinda screwed.
I'm fully aware of the fact that I may well need surgery over the next 12 months, even if the Infliximab heals the inflammation - I have scar tissue so no amount of medication can get rid of that. I'm incredibly nervous about the procedure because I don't like the idea of going in for a resection/strictoplasty and then having them change their mind and give me a stoma mid-op (which I've heard is possible). I'm also afraid of how my body will look post-surgery - I have pretty poor physical self-esteem as it is. Finally, there's the money issue. I've been struggling with debt due to my inconsistent working schedule as a supply teacher. I relied too much on borrowed money to see me through the rough patches. Now I'm paying for it by having to work 50 hour weeks in my new finance job in order to keep it all under control. God knows how I'm going to pay my bills while I'm recovering from surgery. I'll try and save up a little but I really can't see myself realistically earning enough to do that. Guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it as well as hoping that the Infliximab holds off surgery for as long as possible.
Anyway, enough about me. The intro is done now haha. I think that sums up my experience so far. There are obviously a lot more details and specific incidents I could talk about but that would just take forever!
If there are any questions, I'll be happy to answer!I'm sure you probably won't but if you'd like to know a little more then I guess it can't hurt for me to open up a little!
Also, yes. I'm a rambler. Sorry!