A little ramble about me :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 2, 2010
Hello everyone,
I haven't quite been fully diagnosed with Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis...I am waiting to have a colonoscopy done by an internal specialist for the final diagnosis. My GP, who seems incredibly knowledgeable on the subject, has stated that he is certain I have one or the other.

My trust in him is considerable...

I am overwhelmed with pain, fatigue, the constant diarrhea and bleeding.

I have completed a 21 day treatment of Prednisone, a 10 day treatment of Cipro and Buscopan.

The diarrhea and bleeding lessened when I was on 30mg of Prednisone, but returned intermittently when my dosage was lessened.

My Dr. has said that next week he will start me on a medication that will help with my symptoms, I believe it is the Aza... that I have read about in your posts.

I have had many issues with my bowels over the years...dx'd with IBS 20 odd years ago, gluten intolerance 10 years ago...as well as fibromyalgia 10 years ago, choroid lens folds 10 years ago, bursitis of the hips and knees, arthritis in the elbows and wrists....and list goes on...my current GP believes that all of these things were symptoms of something larger...and had I had a proper diagnosis 10 years ago I would not be this ill at this moment...

I am in the infant stage of research...trying to come to terms with having a chronic illness, and hoping, hoping, hoping that I do not have to live every day with this pain...
Hi Stargazer and :welcome:

I'm glad you have found your way here. Wow you certainly have a long history of gut issues plus others! Nothing better than having faith and trust in your docs.

Is an Internal Specialist the same as a Gastroenterologist?

Your symptoms certainly sound as if you may IBD and it would be interesting to know how many of your other symptoms may actually be extraintestional manifestations of IBD. I hope you find the answers you need from your colonscopy and I wish you all the very best with it. Keep us posted!

My daughter is on Azathioprine (Imuran) and in her case it has served her very well over the last 4 years. This is a safe and friendly place with loads of info and support so please stay around as we would love to have you here. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi, and welcome to the forum. We're glad to have you here, but of course not glad about the circumstances that have brought you. So sorry about the long delay in diagnosis; I hope that you get some clear answers soon and can start getting control over your symptoms.
Thank you both for your welcoming replies :)

I have been reading through the forums and I must admit it has already brought me comfort to read that others have had similar experiences.
Welcome StarGazer!! I'm surprised your GP rxed pred without a full dx!! It sounds like he is really going to be on your side though. Maybe that will help get the internist moving. It seems waiting on tests can be the norm for some. Good luck, I hope you have real answers soon!!
Hey there fellow Canadian! :bigwave: Welcome to the forum. Just wanted to let you know that this disease is very very tricky to diagnose and most doctors dont take you seriously unless you start bleeding. I am not and never was a bleeder, but much pain. My sister who has Crohns Colitis bleeds profusely, and rarely pain. So even in families we are all different. My brother has UC and bleeds but rarely.

An Internist is close to a Gi but not quite, but if he finds your Crohns or Colitis that is good sign. I had an internist and many others that saw him in the Sault, though he was a quack, as I did too. Now in the North I have a great Gi and he is retiring. Now waiting for a new Gi.

Most people do go on AZA and blood work is required. I am surprised he didnt mention Asacol too. Good luck with your colonscopy , and for your prep ASK for Pico Salax for your prep ... it is so much tastier and only 2 cups.:goodluck: Keep us posted ok!
Hi Stargazer
and welcome

It's great when you have a sympathetic GP, my new one is lovely too!
Maybe the 21 days on Pred wasn't long enough? I was on it for nearly 5 months, it healed me nicely. Good luck with the Aza, I was allergic to it.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you, and in time you will be able to manage this disease, with self management and keeping yourself stress free.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks everyone for your encouragement!!

I have the Pico Salax waiting in my medicine chest for the call to go for my colonoscopy :)

I find myself with so many questions, and all of you are so knowledgeable...thank you for being so open. As I read through the forums I am struck by the compassion, the sharing in trials and triumphs and the friendship.

I look forward to getting to know all of you, and learning from you.