Okay, for those of you who get your blood results sent to you as well....
Had my blood drawn last Friday, called about the results on Tuesday. The nurse said they came back great. She faxed me the results here at work. I noticed that for the first time, my RBC was listed as "low", it was at 3.71 (the low limit is listed as 4.20). My hemoglobuin is down as well but still "okay", it's a 12.8, but low limit for that is 12.0. So when I called her to ask, she told me it was just a little low, I shouldn't be concerned. So I looked at the 3 copies of results I have, the end of September, the end of January, and these from the end of May. Both the RBC and hemoglobin have both gone down each time, it's just now that the RBC is down enough to be considered low. It concerns me, but doesn't seem to concern the nurse, so wonder if I am being silly.
Had my blood drawn last Friday, called about the results on Tuesday. The nurse said they came back great. She faxed me the results here at work. I noticed that for the first time, my RBC was listed as "low", it was at 3.71 (the low limit is listed as 4.20). My hemoglobuin is down as well but still "okay", it's a 12.8, but low limit for that is 12.0. So when I called her to ask, she told me it was just a little low, I shouldn't be concerned. So I looked at the 3 copies of results I have, the end of September, the end of January, and these from the end of May. Both the RBC and hemoglobin have both gone down each time, it's just now that the RBC is down enough to be considered low. It concerns me, but doesn't seem to concern the nurse, so wonder if I am being silly.