A question on LOw residue

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Aug 9, 2009
Okay. I on the low residue diet and want to cook a pork roast for dinner tomorrow. I am CRAVING a yummy bit of crackling! Does anyone know of this is low residue?!

Nom nom nom..
Dont think it's Low Res!! Patience Charlotte. Easy does it! You'll be able to eat whatever you want soon!

Low residue means low fibre. Meat has no fibre. Not sure if the fat content is ok for you but it's definitely low res. Try a small amount and see how you go. Enjoy.
I'm thinking of the hard edges of cracklin...oh man I could go for that...but I wouldnt dare just yet. I think its not just fiber...we need to be cautious shortly after surgery as our bowels arent exactly happy campers yet are they?? But hey, all of us have to try!
Yeah you're right, meats with high gristle content (connective fibers) also should be avoided on low res diets. They are often in older animals and cuts with more muscle in them (though slow cooking can melt them). Although the tender pork would be fine, I guess the skin (crackling) might not be considered low res as it has a fair bit of connective tissue - but a small piece would be ok surely!!
I don't know what crackling is but I think you mean fat?? I would say NO this is not a good idea! Fat does NOT digest (anyone had any GRAVY lately - yikes!) and will slide right thru you.

Patience my dear. All good, or fattening, things in time.
