Anyone else see the recent Abbvie commercial recently aired on TV. If not you can see it Does anyone else with Crohn’s or UC find this offensive and/or highly depressing? I wanted to go jump off a bridge after seeing this. I could not help but reflect on instances in my life where things similar to the commercial had occurred and how their drug didn’t help. As a patient who has used their famous drug Humira and had nothing but issues with the drug, I find it offensive. Is Abbvie suggesting in their commercial that we aren’t there for our kids due to our disease?
Can someone please share their thoughts. I may be crazy and I can accept that answer. I just can’t understand what is the benefit of this type of commercial unless Abbvie was hoping people were going to off themselves after seeing it.
Can someone please share their thoughts. I may be crazy and I can accept that answer. I just can’t understand what is the benefit of this type of commercial unless Abbvie was hoping people were going to off themselves after seeing it.