Abdomen now tender to touch

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Jul 28, 2011
I'm currently undiagnosed and waiting for treatment. The last two days my pain level has jumped significantly, and today I noticed that my side is tender to the touch. Could this be a sign of anything serious? I'm monitoring other symptoms closely. D was gone for a few days, but now it's back.
Hi dahlfacepoet, a tender belly is common for Crohns/Colitis. Serious-well its difficult to tell but if it gets to be agony then get yourself to a hospital pronto.
If its painful then yes its extremely unpleasant & pain killers are a good step but dont use ones which are asparin based. Or Asparin!! Paracetamol for starters.
I take it they are doing tests so hopefully you'll find out soon enough the way forward for you. Probably a good idea to cut out high fiber food, no bran cereals or green vegetables & salads. Only have fruit thats been skinned. Its a bit boring but does help a fair bit.
Hope things get better for you soon.
Best Wishes
Grant, thanks for your reply, thank you. I'm concerned mostly because it's at a different spot than where my pain is usually located. I am going through tests; endoscopy was normal, colonoscopy showed indicators of crohn's in the terminal ilium, but biopsies came back normal. GI ordered a pill cam and is pretty confident he will see something. I was given tramadol for pain back in july, which worked pretty well. But my current GI hasn't given me anything. My pill cam is on tuesday, and I have a follow up on the 29th. I can't afford to buy any other pain killers like tylenol.
One question, I'm allergic to codeine, will that hurt any future treatment I may get?
dahlfacepoet, I wouldn't have thought so. I would mention it to your specialist if I were you but I dont recall too many drugs that are used for Crohns/Colitis if any that incorporate Codeine apart from codeine phosphate.

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