This most likely sounds crazy to everyone myself included but hear me out.. In 2008 I had a blockage that turned out to be crohns after a bowel resection. I had a GI for awhile after and would just go on prednisone when I flared. Have had problems with scar tissue and sometimes have trouble telling if it is tissue or a flare. Now I have moved towns and no longer have a good GI and two weeks ago started what I thought was a flare. Went on prednisone 40mg and consulted with a GI yesterday. Prednisone is not working, nor is the mostly liquid diet I have been on for two weeks. Having nausea and pain and things just aren't moving right in my system. Not hungry which is odd since the prednisone makes me very hungry normally. So GI thinks it could be scar tissue and had me get blood tests and a CT scan. Can't get the CT scan for two weeks (since it is not an emergency and insurance has a waiting period) So I have two options, be sick for another two weeks with no relief or go all in with a large meat lovers and accept my fate. Sad when this is what you have to do in order to get the help needed.