Acne after Asocol/Prednisone?

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Mar 11, 2011
I've been on Prednisone for a few weeks now and started Asocol about three weeks ago. Well maybe about a week and a half ago my back and chest started to break out.

I did a little research. Some people break out from the Prednisone, some people break out after they stop taking the Prednisone. I started tapering and was down to one and a half 10MG tablets twice a day when the break out started. I started flaring up again so my doctor put my back up to two (I started at three). I'm not sure what caused it for me, but this break out is pretty vicious; I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of little red flaring bumps. Besides being extremely embarrassing, it's painful and feel like a bad sunburn. It's also starting to spread to my scalp which makes simple actions like brushing my hair or scratching my head an uncomfortable experience.

Does anyone else have experience with the breaking out? How can I treat/prevent break outs that are caused by hormones? When will it go away?
I was thinking of applying a hot pad to try and sooth it a couple times a day; would that help?

Any advice would be great, thanks!
Predis converted to a hormone in your body, as such it throws everything out of whack as your body lowers the natural hormone production to compensate.

It should eventually even out, it's really just something that you need to ride out.
I think the amount of acne and the length of time you have it depends on how much prednisone you are taking and how long you are taking it. After my latest round of prednisone, 40mg and 3 months from start to finish, it took me a couple of months of being totally off before the acne went away.
There's no way to prevent it, but I'll share a few treatment tips of mine:

Just FYI-these remedies are a PITA and time-consuming, but work well-

Wash your hair in baby shampoo-it doesn't have the irritating chemicals that can break you out more-and apply conditioner out of the shower and rinse in a manner so it won't run down your face and back.

Bathe in antibacterial soap at least twice a day. If the itchies get out of control, I soak in tepid warm water with two cups of baking soda added for about 15-20 minutes. This will dry out the rest of your body so be sure to use extra lotion. Then I pat Calamine lotion on it; wear clothes you don't care gets messed up.

If that fails I've also had sucess with DDF's benzoyl peroxide pumice scrub, twice a day, leave on a few minutes before rinsing. Expensive but totally worth it under these circumstances. Panoxyl 10% Benzoyl Peroxide soap is a much less expensive alternative, but IME not quite as effective.

Finally you might need prescription help for wh at you're describing. Clindamycin both topical and oral is extremely helpful. Put the Clindamycin on first, let dry, then put benzoyl peroxide gel 10% on top. Don't put BP on in the daytime or before putting on any clothes you don't want ruined; it will bleach your clothes when you sweat.

I also really like the supplement Herpanacine for clearing the skin and getting excess prednisone out of your system. Probiotics seem to help, as well as drinking lots of green tea and eating lots of the fruits and veggies you can tolerate.

Hang in there, this part of pred always upsets me the most, next to the moon face. If you have any other questions PM me. :)
Ive got bad acne on my face from coming of pred. All ive used so far is Tea Tree oil (3x day). It hasnt got rid of them completely but they have calmed down a lot and stopped getting those painful white heads
My doc gave me benedrl cream on for it. Because it was there for a few months even though I had finished my tappering off sessions. (but i was on for 4 months straight, and then 2 months after a week break so it could be contibuted to that issue.. )
I know this sounds weird but i got to where i would put ice cubes on them when they would burn, and take a lukewarm bath. >.> my parent suggested oatmeal baths but i never tried those so i dont know how that would work.