Adhesions- 7 years later!

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Nov 25, 2011
Manchester, UK
I live in Manchester, UK have had Crohns since the age of 11, I am now 25. I had an extended right hemi-colectomy in 2004 and fistula formation followed so had surgery to deal with this in 2005. Recently (within last 2 months or so) I've been suffering with severe right lower abdominal pain as well as generalised pain acorss my lower abdomen but not as severe as the right. I was admitted to hospital Thursday AM 16th Feb (had been to A&E the month before but the doctor sent me home with an ultrasound booked for 1 month later-on 22nd feb 2012 with suspected ovarian cyst). The pain subsided within a week or so and then reared its angry head again around Monday 13th Feb. So during hospital stay had numerous doctors come ask me questions and I have now been let home and I am having the ultrasound as originally booked on Wednesday. The consultant I am under for my crohns came to see me on the ward and he is pretty sure it is adhesions not ovarian cyst and now he considers the ultrasound just to be to rule out gynaecological problems. I am to see him 1 week after the ultrasound in his clinic. I have been left with a lot of questions about this and I feel 2 weeks of questioning in my head is going to drive me crazy. All I want to know is what is the treatment for this? Are there positive outcomes or is my life going to be negatively impacted on from all of this from now on? I am in my last 3 months of my university degree and I have a 10 week clinical placement to face in March, right now I am feeling nowhere near enthusiastic and focused enough to complete this. :(
I often wonder about adhesions post surgery my surgeon said shouldn't be overly painful but might have to be removed if causing an obstruction. Could you be in a bad flare at present? Maybe you need a colonoscopy what ever the reasons try not to panic as your GI will treat them once he knows the cause. Try not to get too stressed 2 weeks isn't long and the stress will just cause a flAre. Good luck with your placement what ru studying?
Thanks for the advice Archie. My inflammatory markers are up from 6 one month ago to 22 now but they don't seem overly concerned about this and I feel OK at the moment, I don't seem to experiencing any symptoms associated with a flare. I'm due to take my Humira today and he wants me to stay on this, as it is keeping me well so far. The pain is constant but I am currently not taking painkillers as I am not a big fan of them and I like to know what is going on with my body, plus strong ones make me feel nauseas and woozy. I am studying occupational therapy and I'm so close to the end now, I need to get there crohns-problem free :)
Hi leighlu

If you dont mind me asking which hospital you under in manchester? Mine has acess to two IBD nurses who are fab and if I have any questions what so ever tehy get an answer and come back to me once they have, have you tried giving them a call and explaining how your feeling?
Thanks for the advice Archie. My inflammatory markers are up from 6 one month ago to 22 now but they don't seem overly concerned about this and I feel OK at the moment, I don't seem to experiencing any symptoms associated with a flare. I'm due to take my Humira today and he wants me to stay on this, as it is keeping me well so far. The pain is constant but I am currently not taking painkillers as I am not a big fan of them and I like to know what is going on with my body, plus strong ones make me feel nauseas and woozy. I am studying occupational therapy and I'm so close to the end now, I need to get there crohns-problem free :)

good luck with the OT, i'm an OT qualified over 10 yrs ago I then for my sins retrained as a physio and now use both in private practice... clinical placements can be tough enough without crohns into the mix, luckily for me I wasn't diagnosed until after (maybe it was the stres of doing 2 degrees that caused it!!! lol) hope you feel better soon :)
Ha ha definitely 2 degrees will have caused plenty of stress :s. I will have some answers next week in clinic, I hope. Then I will have an idea what's going to happen with regards to treatment and if it will (annoyingly) mess up my ability to complete my placement. Funnily enough my placement will be in gastro and hepatology, so will be very interesting!

Ormsklad- I am under the Manchester Royal Infirmary for my care and the specialist nurses are brilliant. I haven't phoned them but maybe that would be a good idea if I start losing sleep over all this.

I will be sure to update you guys on what the outcome is.

Take care :)