Admitted to Hospital

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Jan 2, 2010
Well this Thrush has gone on long enough. I`ve lost 15 pounds in less than a month, vomit several times a day, food tastes horrible and have bloody D.

Went to ER this morning at home, the ER Dr made a call.... and I now have a new GI (my old one moved away this summer). However it is 3 hours away from home :(

Came down to Moncton at 4:30, saw new GI and he admitted me to hospital. He is doing an Endoscopy tomorrow...Colonoscopy on Thursday.

I am so happy to have a GI again. He is a very nice Dr.
I just want to feel better soon. Was up half the night vomitting again last night.
Hi Brenda; Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Glad you are getting the care you need. Please keep us posted on what they find, and as well as what they might do to your meds - are you Humira every week or every other week at the moment? Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Awww, I hope you get an answer once your tests are through.
It sucks that your doc will be 3 hours away, is there no one closer?
Good luck, feel better soon!
Yay, great that you got a new Gi, fresh eyes are good for getting the disease undercontrol and getting the bottom of it. Good to see he is quick at getting your tests done. Too bad both cant be done at the same time. Sounds like the Humira isnt working for you as it should. You could be narrowing too. Vomiting is a sign of particial obstructions. You have been through alot lately, hope you get some answers soon. Good luck.
Praying for you hun! Hang in there and stay strong! Ill be watching for your updates
Hugs :)
Hey Brenda,

I'm so glad you have a new GI and things are getting done, YAY!!!! I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all goes well with your tests and you get some answers. Thinking of you and good luck!!!!


Take care, :hug:
Thank you MBH, Pen, Elise and DustyKat for words of encouragement.
There is 1 GI in Fredericton (1hr away) but he is retiring soon, MBH.
I was referred to this Dr in Moncton... but was told it would be months before I would get an appointment. It paid off for me to go to ER yesterday...the Dr called right down to see if the GI would see me. He said come right down to ER and he met me there.
Just waiting now for my scope.
I am very thirsty! No food or water since midnight.
Thank you MBH, Pen, Elise and DustyKat for words of encouragement.
There is 1 GI in Fredericton (1hr away) but he is retiring soon, MBH.
I was referred to this Dr in Moncton... but was told it would be months before I would get an appointment. It paid off for me to go to ER yesterday...the Dr called right down to see if the GI would see me. He said come right down to ER and he met me there.
Just waiting now for my scope.
I am very thirsty! No food or water since midnight.

Waiting on that scope stinks! I know not having food or water is horrible as well. I hope everything goes well with the scope! Glad you got a good GI on your side :)
hang in there!
Hi Brenda

I hope the scope goes well and they find something a quick medicine tune-up can get you feein' better soon. Feel better soon!

Hey Brenda I know the prep sucks, but hopefully you will get some answers. Do you have any pain now that there is no food in you?
Brenda - Sorry to hear you haven't been doing so well! I'm also wondering if you are having some sort of partial obstruction. That's what happened to me and they increased my Humira to weekly and added Imuran. This has helped me!

I hope your scan comes back with answers so you can get back on a proper course of meds/treatment!
Hiya Brenda

so sorry you're feeling so rough, you've had this thrush for a while now?
good luck with the scope, and let us know how you are, take care
sending big hug your way, hospital is horrible!
xxJoan xx
Hi Everyone, I got the upper GI over with. I did not feel a thing. I have not talked to the Dr yet.
I start my prep anytime for the colonoscopy tomorrow! Maybe I will get home sooner. Thought they were going to do it Thursday.

Yes Joan, I`ve had throat issues since August.

I think my stomache/ throat is what is causing all my problems.

Will keep everyone posted once I found out anything.

Take Care!
Hi Brenda - Good luck to you on all the tests. I hope they find out what's going on and can fix it for you soon!

Please keep us posted. Sending you (((((hugs)))))

- Amy
I am Home!!! My Diagnosis- Moderate to Severe Crohns Flare. Dr found several active ulcers. My humira has not been strong enough to control the disease. I now am going to weekly injections, tripled my Imuran ( back up to 150 mg) daily, and added an 8 week course of Prednisone. He also gave me Rx for several other things.. Prevacid,Kaochlor,Multi vitamin,Calcium,Vit D.
The Dr let me go home right after my Colonoscopy yesterday. He put me off work for 3 more weeks... Ugg.. I do not want to miss work. My husband told me.. do what the Dr says or I will end back up in Hospital again.
So thanks everyone for the Get Well Wishes! We have such a great group of friends here!
Glad your home and everything turned up okay and you got your meds! Def take it easy and rest up before going back to work!

Thanks Elise! I feel bad missing work right now.. It is our busy time. But I won`t do anyone any good if I am not healthy.
Take Care!
Hiya Brenda

Good to see you're home!
Try not to fret about work, I know we do, I do too, but you come first!
When I was off work, and stressin about it, and on Pred, my boyf said to me, 'Pred or Dead?'
It made me laugh, but it has serious undertones!
Take care and REST, that's an order!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks Joan!!
I picked up my meds today, I think It will be a full time job just keeping them straight. When to take, and with what and how many times a day and when to decrease. Ugg... you should see the pills lined up on my counter.

I have blamed my nauseau on the Oral Thrush, but the Dr said my mouth, throat look fine now. I have never experienced nauseau before with a Crohns flare. It is horrible!

I hope I can keep my meds down. Gravol might be the answer.
Hi Brenda I use Gravol all the time but for the day time I use the new Ginger pills made by Gravol and they really help. I hate feeling groggy during the day. Good and rest! My husbands motto at work is family husband says to me my belly is first. Always take care of your Crohns, because things can change in a micro moment. Hope you feel better really soon ok? hugs and keep us posted!
Thanks Pen , I will look for the ginger pills. That may help with the nauseau. I am thinking the prednisone will be kicking in soon. How soon should I see an improvement with this flare?
Yes, with this disease things can change instantly. I agree.
Thanks again for your kindness and support! You take care also!
It really depends how bad your flare is and where. If you are on 40mg most people feel amazing relief within 48 hours, but everyone is different. Of course the lower the dose the better but takes longer. Hope you dont have to be on it for long period. If it is scar tissue, it may not work at all, not to worry you just telling you from my experience. Because it is Turkey day soon, I would avoid gravy and little turkey, and use digestive enzymes. Dont worry about what anyone thinks or says, just look after you ok. NOT worth suffering! :hang:
It really depends how bad your flare is and where. If you are on 40mg most people feel amazing relief within 48 hours, but everyone is different. Of course the lower the dose the better but takes longer. Hope you dont have to be on it for long period. If it is scar tissue, it may not work at all, not to worry you just telling you from my experience. Because it is Turkey day soon, I would avoid gravy and little turkey, and use digestive enzymes. Dont worry about what anyone thinks or says, just look after you ok. NOT worth suffering! :hang:

Thanks Pen again!!! The Dr said I am in a Moderate to severe flare. Colon is my biggest area of trouble. I am just doing 40 mg of Pred a week then 35 mg a week and 30 mg a week and so on.... til 10 mg then done.

Is that going to be enough Prednisone to really see alot of the side effects?
I should be off it in 2 months.

I find pasta , softer foods easier to eat than dry stuff... etc bread, meat. Sweet foods turn me right off. I am very thirsty all the time. I want Ginger Ale, Orange Juice.

This flare is different than my others. I have really been very nauseaus. I have not experienced this much before. I have heard others talk about feeling sick to stomache. It is not fun :(
Hey Brenda,

Hope you start to feel better soon. Thinking about you and sending loads of hugs your way..........................


Take care,
Thanks DustyCat! I seem to be feeling a little better. I think the Prednisone kicks in quick. My appetite seems to be coming back.
Hey that's better news Brenda!
It worked quick for me too, hope you heal very quickly
Happy to hear you're on the mend!!! Try to have a happy Thanksgiving in NB. It's the fall season when I miss NB the most -- all those beautiful jewel tones outside everywhere.
Thanks Joan, 2thfairy and Kelly! It is beautiful here this time of the year. All of the red and orange and yellow leaves. The sad part is they won`t last for long.

Thanksgiving dinner was had ! Dressing, gravy and cranberry sauce was my meal. Tasted quite good.

I hope to soon be able to enjoy some more items.... taste buds are coming back slowly.

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend.

Take Care, Brenda
So glad you enjoyed your meal. I did too. We had temperatures up to 32c! Too amazing. Sad part is I have to take my daughter back to her rooming house, back to UNI...:(
So glad you enjoyed your meal. I did too. We had temperatures up to 32c! Too amazing. Sad part is I have to take my daughter back to her rooming house, back to UNI...:(

We are not that warm Pen... Wow!

Yes, my son went back to Uni this afternoon also. Not before I loaded him up with leftovers.( Turkey, dressing and gravy). He is just 1 hour away though.

Glad you had a lovely Holiday also.
Hi Brenda, my daughter is only 45 min away but she is always busy, and studies like crazy. She forgot to take some ham with her but she didnt forget to rob my freezer of bags of carrots from our garden :wink:

I hope you are feeling better!
Got lots left over, it is Black Forest hold your hands out and I will throw ya a couple pieces :lol: , and is very good, but I will do some slices up and put the rest in the freezer. My hubby got a turkey sandwich at work lol.

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