Hello, I am new and I have read some of your messages regarding your adverse reactions to this drug. I am so thankful, I have been told I have Fibromyalgia and that is the reason for all my muscle weakness and pain, jaw pain, etc. I had an infusion today and whilst lying in bed tonight my jaw started hurting, I immediately recalled this pain from before and started putting it all together, I googled Remicade and jaw pain and found your wonderful site. I am relieved on the one hand, but quite concerned on the other as I think my Dr is out of options for me. I just know that I do not have a low pain tolerance and I could not get out of bed without my husband helping me. I couldnt hold the glass to take painkillers, I couldn't lift the bed sheet over me. Please reaffirm that I am having the same reaction or similar to what you have experienced and I will go to my Dr with this information.
Thank you
Thank you