Advice on whether to immunise

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Aug 28, 2011
Hi all. I have just got a form to fill in from the high school to give permission for Andrew to get immunised in January.
They are all to get the Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio jag and the Meningitis C jag.
Any idea whether it's a good idea or not since he is on the Mercaptopurine?
I am really of two minds about jags in general. I hate the thought of putting any other bugs into their bodies for any reason. They can tell me all they like that they are not "live" vaccines, but it still really worries me. Parenthood is so stressful, having to make these decisions :confused2:
Jack had these a few years ago while on Azathioprine. No issues. Figured it would probably be worse if he were to actually contract one those.
Completely understand your hesitation, but it's totally worth it. Only cautions I have ever seen is to avoid the live vaccines. Check in with your GI/nurse to reassure you.
I'm on Remicade and Imuran and I just got the Meningitis vaccine a month ago! My GI's nurse gave it to me.
I know what you mean about more stuff going into their bodies, but if they catch those diseases without being immunised the effects could be far worse. I have also been advised to have the flu vaccination for my daughter as her immune system is low due to her medication. She's just had it for the second year. Good luck with whatever you decide, only you can do what's best for your child :).
Check to be sure but I think they are not live virus' They have been killed so cannot multiply. This allows your body to make antibodies for the diseases. Although there is a chance of feeling under the weather as the body puts its energy into fighting these, you cannot get ill off them

Again just make sure they are not live virus'
Im the same sascot but kian has had all his vaccinations and with them not being live I personally will be getting him done. its so difficult the decisions us parents have to make. The one with the nasal flu vaccine that our school was offering few weeks back ( I knew it was live so kian didn't get it) but it was the decision about our younger son, we decided not to have him vaccinated and if we do it will be the same jab Kian and I have at our local health centre. My husband cant have it done as he has crohns and is allergic to egg white so I don't think he can have it. All the best with what you decide. xxxx
I'm in the group voting for immunizations too. They may not work as well, but if they help prevent any more sickness - especially meningitis or whooping cough - I'm all for it!