Four common deficiencies in people with Crohn's disease are iron, magnesium, zinc, and folate. If you're able to tolerate them, you may want to look into adding Adzuki beans to your diet.
As always, get bulk, dried beans, NOT canned. Canned foods can become contaminated with the aluminum from the can and aluminum is implicated as potentially being involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.
Azuki beans are a good source for a variety of minerals, with 1 cup of cooked beans providing 4.6 mg of Iron (~25% RDI[4]), 119.6 mg of magnesium (~30% RDI[5]), 1.223 g of potassium (~25 % AI[6]), 4.0 mg of zinc (~25% RDI[7]) and 278 µg of folic acid (~70% RDI[8]).
As always, get bulk, dried beans, NOT canned. Canned foods can become contaminated with the aluminum from the can and aluminum is implicated as potentially being involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.