After surgery weight gain

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Jul 14, 2011
after surgery weight gain

so sinse i have had my surgery i have gained 10 pounds within just a few days. my entire stomach, back and legs look like they are ballooned and chubby. i'm really hoping my weight will even out. my stomach is so distended along with my lower back. it's like i have love handles on my back or something. ugh. i just really don't want anymore stretch marks on my thighs and stomach because i definitely already have enough.
my other question is how long after getting 8 inches of my lower intestine (ileectomy is what it's called i think) removed when will i begin to start having less pain and not worry about hernia's etc. i'm worried i'm straining the incisions so much that they will burst open. it's been 4 days and my stomach is starting to growl. i'm only 19 so i'm hoping i recover quickly and drop the weight easily due to how young i am.
can anyone share their experience with this surgery including the weight gain/loss and pain?
thank you :sign0085:
Tishbite! How did your surgery go!? I've been thinking about you.

At only four days out, I can only imagine this "weight gain" is actually water retention/swelling due to trauma. Are you still on an IV? That could definitely also be contributing. I wouldn't worry about your incisions "bursting open," but if you want some reassurance I would talk to a nurse or your surgeon about it.

It shouldn't take long to be in less pain. (I only took two pain pills after leaving the hospital 5 days after my surgery, but your mileage may vary). Your abdominal wall will take a few weeks before it is less vulnerable. This is why you can't do things like sit ups or lift the milk jug yourself.

I hope you are doing great and your surgery has you feeling better in no time! Take it easy, rest, rest, rest! Wishing you a quick and full recovery.
my surgeon told me the surgery went very well. no complications. i know i shouldn't be so concerned about gaining weight when it seems like that is what my needs to be healthy. however the weight i am gaining looks like fat and not healthy muscle tone. they are still pumping me up with iv fluids and tpn so that what is probably causing me to jump from 112 to 121.6 in the last couple of weeks. hopefully i will drop some of that water weight quickly after i leave the hospital. i can't imagine me being very hungry for awhile after i'm sent home. i have seen a couple different doctors who have helped me to learn how to move and do things so that it will be less strenuous on my stomach.
going into to surgery i was expecting to come or in this much pain. it was sure a ... surprise to me. i'm afraid once i am home my cats will jump or walk over my stomach while i am sleeping :x
thanks for all yr well wishes. they are really appreciated right now especially. i'm kinda being down on myself about the weight gain and the pain.
did anyone else gain a lot of weight after surgery and then loose it or did it stick on you?
Don't be down on yourself! I really doubt that it's "unhealthy" or "fat" weight gain. It seriously is almost certainly swelling/water retention. They are pumping your veins with fluid from that IV! Don't worry about it.

I know it can get you down though. Just keep taking those pain meds. Do you have a pain button? Use it! I never thought about my cats walking over me, although they did this when I was healthy. I think they knew to give me some space when I was in pain. If you're really worried about it can you close the bedroom door at night? Just until you're comfortable having them around?

You're doing great so far. I'm so glad your surgeon said your surgery went well. Just keep recuperating and try not to be hard on yourself. Your body has been put through a major traumatic event and there are bound to be some repercussions for that. Once your body has recovered some more and normalizes you will probably go right back to normal. Even if you *did* gain some weight (which I sincerely doubt), it is so much more important for you to be healthy than to have a small number on a scale. It really is. You also need to eat and get some nutrition in you to recover!

*big hugs*
tish. I've been thinking a lot about you and hoping you are doing well!!

I haven't had this surgery done, but when I had my c-section after having my daughter I blew up from all the fluids they are pumping me full of. I'm sure that's the main source. It only took me about a week to get back to my normal self. The body just needs time to absorb the extra fluid.

Don't be so down on yourself! You just had a big surgery, it is going to take some time to feel okay again. I know easy for me to say that now. Next thursday is my big day, I'll probably be having the same types of feelings.

hang in there!!!!! We're pulling for you here.
Ahh thank you both for your kind words and input. it really does help. i wish i could close my bedroom door but i live in a plus size studio apartment so the only door we have in our house in the front door and the bathroom door. everything else is open to each other. we are looking for a new apartment with at least on bedroom when our lease is up in may. hopefully time will pass soon and i will be all better and moving into my new place this spring.
i'm trying hard not to be down on myself but it's so hard when you feel so large and haven't showered in a couple days.i know this helpless feeling will pass though. and yes i have a pca button and i am putting it to very good use haha :)
good lucky with next thursday manzyb! i hope things go as smoothly for you as they did for me.
i intend on keeping my nutrition well up even after i leave the hospital because once i am out of here i don't want to come back anytime soon.
It most likely is due to the issue you had prior to surgery...low albumin.

Circulating albumin has a role in maintaining osmotic pressure, so when your albumin is low fluid tends to leak into the soft tissues and compartments like the abdomen causing oedema.

Since most hypoalbuminemia is caused by acute and chromic inflammation, now that they have removed that cause things should slowly start to stabilise and resolve as your albumin increases.

It is early days yet hun and things will settle. :) I know it easier said than done but try not to worry about the weight, once your albumin is sorted the weight/oedema will go away.
You are doing just fine hun, it's so fab to hear the surgery went well! YAY!

Onwards and Upwards! :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Ah, I totally understand the studio apartment! Just tell those kitties to be nice to you.

The farther out from surgery are, the better you'll feel phyiscally and emotionally. You're doing great so far.
i know it really is still too early to be worrying about weight and puffiness. my main priority is to get healthy and then i can worrying about the weight and what not. it's just a grew up being a chubby kid and i told myself i would never let myself get like that again and now that i have put on a little weight and am unable to move or workout and eat right i feel really out of control of my weight and progress right now which stresses me out so much. i'm just gonna watch a ton of movies, walk as much as i can and sleep. yesterday i walked 3 times and i am able to get up and go to the bathroom by myself and have mastered the log roll to get me up out of bed and it's only my 4th day. i seem to be recovering really fast. which i am happy about. those first 2 day were living hell though :/
Hi Tishbite, I just wanted to second the above opinions, it must be fluid retention/swelling that is giving the increased weight look. I had my op in September and lost about 1/2 a stone in the first week - I put most of this down to the awful hospital food and the 'gentle' laxative they gave me so I wouldn't have to strain myself :( Moving did hurt and I likened it to the stinging sensation I got when my ears were pierced (amplified a bit of course) I much preferred it to the pain of the stricture though. I felt much better when I got home. I have kitties and had the same concern about them jumpjng on me, luckily they seemed to know something was up and the female just wanted to stay close to me which was rather sweet :) Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon :hug:
i'm super backed up from all the pain medication they have me. i've been on it for two weeks now and i'm afraid it's making me bowels move way too slow. i might ask for some laxative once i can hear my bowels moving a little more. my tolerance for pain is pretty high so i think it should be ok trying to get it out. i just really don't want to strain because i had to strain for my urine to come out and that was painful. i can only imagine how bad it must be for the bowels. not only that but prior to my surgery i had hemorrhoids. i hope my kitties aren't mad and distance towards me when i get home because i left them for 3 weeks. i definitely need the affection to help me get better.
i think i've gathered enough opinion and information about the weight gain/loss to feel comfortable that my body will go back to normal (maybe not completely because my body has been changed a bit) after my bowels start moving. thank you all for talking me through this. it really has helped :)
I ended up gaining weight some weight after my surgery. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I needed to after my first, and since my second one i thinks its been due to my meds. However, I have stopped gaining, so i dont think the weight gain is something to be too worried over. Sounds like the hardest part for you will be the recovery. My surgeon has required me to not do anything for six weeks, and it has drove me nuts. My guess is that it wont be too hard for you to lose the weight after your surgery if you need to.
Hiya don't be stressing it took me 6 days to go to the loo post surgery even the porter was taking bets !!! I had to take quite a few laxatives to wake them up but due to this I also felt swollen. Have you been on a lot of morphine? It or the coming off it might br making you feel a bit depressed but it'll soon pass. As everyone else has said it takes at least 6 weeks for the body to naturally heal from any trauma and once your up on your feet more the extra fluid will fly off. Overall surgery has not really affected my weight. Happy recovering :)
Tish- I'm glad you're feeling a bit better about it. It always seems so small (to me anyway) to worry about weight gain, but it is something I ALWAYS worry about!! I'm not a big person and it always feels nasty when you do retain all of that fluid!! I promise you it will get better. Like I said, after my c-section i was so freaking water logged, my arms/hands/stomach face had swollen so much from all the fluids they were pumping into me. once I was off the IV and back home, it subsided very quickly. It's very uncomfortable though when you're not use to having that on you!!!

I hope the depression gets better. I know how bad that can be. I've been pretty depressed lately just from feeling so ****** (pun intended). I keep trying to hold on to hope that this will be a good thing for me!! I know I'll be a couple weeks behind you, but we can be recovery buddies and compare notes. Not sure if you have a face book, but please feel free to add me or PM me any time.

Don't worry about the kitties!! They'll be so happy to see you when you get back home. I have 2 cats and a dog. When I'm gone for an extended period they are always so happy when I'm back. If you're worried about them jumping on you, do you have someone that they can stay with for a few days? All 3 of my animals are going to my parents for a couple of weeks. Mainly because where I'm getting my surgery done is an hour away from my house, but up close to my parents. The hubby and I won't be back home for a couple of weeks.

Keep us posted on how you are doing!! Did they tell you when you may get to go home? Did you have a catheter, or any other drainage tubes in when you woke up? Oh, one more question... how quickly did they get you out of bed? LOL sorry for the book and all the questions, I'm just really curious how this is all going to go, and well, you're going through it right now. My biggest concern is when I can put my underwear and bra back on!! LOL I hate being without clothes on hehehe.
oh and about the feeling nasty from not showering! I'm not sure how soon they will let you shower, but I have this stuff by Treseme' that is a dry shampoo. Maybe you could have someone get you that, its about 5 bucks. I plan on taking that with me to freshen up my hair. I hate when it gets really dirty and oily from not being washed. =) And some face cleansing clothes. Those things are awesome and can make you feel like a whole new woman... if you cannot bathe anyway. I'm not sure how strict they are on stuff like that in the ward, but I'm trying to plan for things that I may want/need to make me feel a little better once I'm up for it.. of course.
Sorry I'm a bit chatty LOL I took some pain meds and it always winds me up a little bit.
hey tishbite! glad to hear that your surgery went well! we've been thinking of you and hope you are recovering well.
Ooh yes that dry shampoo stuff is a lifesaver. I just wore a bandana while I was in the hospital.
They haven't said exactly when I go home. It's kind of a wait and see situation right depending on when my bowels wake up/i can eat something/have a bowel movement etc etc. It's already been six days and no luck so far. I have been sitting in the same hospital room for 3 weeks and I definitely ready to get outta here. When I woke up and I had a urine catheter so that I did not have to get up to use the restroom. They had me sit up I think it was either the first or second day and by the second day I was able to get up and walk once. Yesterday I walked 4 times and am able to pee on my own without the catheter. I also was able to walk up and down some stairs today so i am definitely making some progress. I'm pretty sure every nurse on my floor has seen me naked at least twice haha, oh well.
As for the other question concerning my cats, yes, I live with my boyfriend and he feeds them every morning before work and at night when he gets home and I know is giving them big love for me so I am very grateful for that.
To wash my hair I actually just put my hair in the sink and washed it like that. I'm not ready to take a full blown shower just yet. They will probably make me take on tomorrow though.
Have you been chewing gum? Studies have shown chewing gum awakens the reflexes involved in digestion, and gets people who have had bowel surgery out more quickly. Maybe see if somebody can pick some up for you?

Sounds like you're doing great. Keep walking. I hope you get out of there soon! Good luck.
actually i have been chewing ice chips which seems to have really helped because i finally passed some gas this morning :)

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