Almond milk = Delicious!

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Aug 13, 2011
I'm taking steps towards getting some more vitamins and nutrients and one thing I've thought about is the lack of calcium we get because a lot of us don't drink milk. The local grocery store had some almond milk on sale for nearly half price so I thought I'd pick some up and give it a try. Well, it is delicious! I got the chocolate flavor and although it is low in calories (130/cup) it has 30% of the required calcium in one cup. It has no lactose in it at all either!
Is it? I was thinking of giving it a try, I just might now that I've read someone's opinion on it. I'm drinking Lactaid, lactose free, but it's sweet and I will not drink it by itself, yuck. Good for cooking and what not, but I want something to drink. Thanks for posting this!
I was really hesitant to try it because I do NOT like the taste of regular milk. Almond milk honestly tastes nothing like it. Like I said I got the chocolate flavor and to me it tasted exactly how I picture chocolate covered almonds in liquid form. If you like like almond you'll love this. They also had original and vanilla that I want to try next and compare.
Mmm, chocolate covered almonds! Sounds delicious! Vanilla as well! I've only tried the soy and rice milks and well, they're not for all. I definitely like almonds and though I don't eat a lot of chocolate or anything, I like my chocolate mild and what not. I bet it would make an awesome chocolate cake with almond frosting! ;)
I love vanilla almond milk. I haven't tried chocolate yet! It is very good & great for a source of calcium. I like that it's gluten/lactose & soy free. It makes me feel better about my dietary choices ;)
For those already taking the almond milk do you think it helps your crohns at all or just helps with the calcium?
I love the almond dark chocolate! I usually use the unsweetened almond or rice milk, but the dark chocolate is a pure heavenly treat.
Yeah I tried almond milk the other week, it's really nice, even tastes ok in tea :D I bought some hazelnut milk last week, but haven't tried that yet.
Yup, the Silk one is my favourite. I can't say if it helps my crohn as I don't have food related symptoms but I do know it taste real good. It needs to be drank "quickly" though. By that I mean that it tends to start getting a bizarre taste/texture (without being bad to drink) after 5ish days.
I've been lactose intolerant for about 12 years now so I've tried pretty much every "milk replacement" type drink there is. Rice milk is pretty watery and flavorless, same with Lactaid milk. Soy milk is so-so. Almond milk, however, is awesome. :) Creamy, delicious, doesn't upset the guts. Wonderful consistency and flavor, and as others have mentioned, the chocolate variety is great too. The only issue I have with it (and I have this issue with all the other milk replacement drinks too) is that you can't use it to make pudding. Only real milk will suffice, it seems. Anything besides real milk, and you end up with watery gross pudding. So in the case of pudding, I will use real milk and take a lactose enzyme pill and hope for the best (the pills don't always work that great for me). Otherwise, though, almond milk it is! :)