Aloe Vera Juice

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 26, 2010
Yesterday I drank about 20 oz of Aloe Vera Juice and ended up experiencing a noticeable decrease in pain..was this justa coincidence?

Has anyone had any success with natutal substances?
I haven't been able to decipher if aloe seems to help people or not. I've seen anecdotal evidence of it helping some, and causing worsening of symptoms in others.

Out of curiosity, does your GI who put you on Lialda know you're on proton pump inhibitors and antacids? They're contraindicated as they can reduce efficacy.
I actually always wondered if PPIs could worsen or even cause Crohn's, but both GIs I have seen have insisted I take them and supplement with gaviscon and tums as needed. I have had severe reflux since childhood and as a result have lesions throughout my esophagus and have had to have my teeth resurfaced several times. I started taking rolaids at the age of 8. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia at 12. My sleep apnea may either cause or be caused by the reflux.

Please do not pre-judge me as I only started to take workout Supps last December. I am a life long wimp who just started workout the spring of 2010. I have the best (in appearance) body I have ever had by far now and want only to get better (as it does become addictive). I truly need a "kick" to get a workout going due to the sleep apnea so something like a Jack3D is essential if I am going to be able to lift enough for gains. I haven't taken anything "psuedo-anabolic" since I ran out of Pink magic mid-july. I doid buy the T-bol stack but havent started it yet for obvious reasons.

I am in the midst of my worst flare by far - it started mid-July and keep getting worse. Had a huge fight with the wife mid-july (that still hasnt been resolved) and entered into the most stressful time of my workyear (as I do Corporate taxes).

I really wish I could find a natural treatment as I have a lot of physical and immunity issues already due to the sleep apnea.

I truly am barelyalive.
I'm not judging you, I swear! I think you're doing great! :) There's lots of natural treatment and supplement discussion around from special diets all the way to medical marijuana. I think the hardest part is choosing which to try and finding what works best for you.

*hugs* to you brother.

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