Alone with my Crohn's

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi, I was diagnosed with sever Crohn's Disease 7 years ago. I have suffered with it since I was a child but was always told to stop faking and go to school. It was nice at first to have a name for what was wrong, but now I feel alone. I live in a very small town and most people here have never even heard of what I have. Most people envy how think I am, and that I can 'eat whatever I want'. Most people think I'm lazy and over reacting. My husband thinks I just need to get up and move or go outside and get some sun. I feel so alone when I have a flare up. And anyone that does get how much pain I'm in treats me like I'm already broken and if they touch me i'll fall apart. I'm frustrated that nothing I do seems to change anything. I eat everything like I should, take all of my medications, do everything that I can to prevent a flare up. But it still happens no mater how good I am. I hope someone out there understands.
Welcome tuckersbaker

Sorry to hear you are misunderstood.It can be a common occurrence.It is nice you have been diagnosed.Has your doctor talked with your husband and explained to him what crohn's disease is? How you are personally affected by CD?

Have you explained to your friends that know your pain what you are going through? Unfortunately,CD is not widely known as well as misunderstood. Let them know what a flare does to you,if you feel you can talk about CD with them.

Check the forum out,you'll find people who understand where you are coming from.
I can understand what it's like! It can be a very frustrating disease, but this forum is great for venting or for asking questions.

Have you googled to see if there is a Crohn's or IBD support group in your area?

Stay strong! Keep taking your meds and maybe go on a nice walk with your hubby for some fresh air and excesize if you feel up to it.
Hello and WELCOME tuckersbaker, at last you have arrived at a place where we DO understand and we will give you all the support and advice we can.It is tough when those around you are unsupportive,but unless they've actually been through the same,how would they know ? This community is full of people in the same position so you'll have lots of understanding friends in no time.Best wishes and I hope you're having a GOOD day today.
Greetings and welcome to the community!

You are no longer alone!

Would you be willing to share what medications you're on?

All my best to you.

First off let me say that I'm sorry that you feel alone in this. But You need to know that you are not alone in this. I don't think any of us feel that the people around us have any idea of what we do to manage our days during flair ups. I even get mad at myself for not being able to do more.

The one thing that I find helps me is that I am very open about discussing my Crohn's issues with anybody. I feel that when I am having a flair up that they seem to be more understanding, maybe it is all in my head, but hey! if it helps me deal than so be it.

Good luck and stay strong
Welcome to the forum. Here you Will never feel alone. You ll always feel supported. And believe me that most of us has been in your situation at least for sometime in our lives. Stay strong