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I can't BELIEVE I've been passing this thread by. Judging by the title, I didn't think it was worth my time, but look at this nice little slam-the-spam thing we have going on!

Helpcrohns/thebestfriend: I hope you realize how transparent and futile your "argument" is.
Speaking of Smarties - I have this friend, his intestines were fine one day and black the next. I told him to eat these Smarties, but I didn't tell him what they were. Within hours, he felt, well, like he ate some Smarties. I recommend that everyone rush out and get some Smarties. I can't find my link to give you free Smarties, but if you buy them, maybe some will magically appear on my doorstep so my "friend" can get some more for free. I really am trying to benefit YOU guys here, with my Smarties.......
Sometimes things that sound too good to be true.. well, pretty sure we all know how that one goes. Here is a true story, from way back in the 60's. It was the intro of colour television, but not everybody could afford them. Then in classified sections across North America, the following ad ran. It stated for the princely sum of $49, anyone could convert their old black N white TV to a beautiful color set... without any special tools or training. Everything you needed to do the conversion came in this kit. In those days that price was a weeks wages, but still cheaper than a new color TV.
So lots of folks sent in their $49 for this 'so simple anyone can do it' kit. In short order, they received their kits in the mail. What was in these kits..??
Just exactly what the ad had promised... a couple of cans of spay paint in a variety of beautiful colours. Whenever anyone tried to prosecute, the PO box would change.. the ad would disappear from papers in one region, only to reappear in another. Anyway folks, this old fart has been around a long time... long enuff to recognize something that stinks when he smells it, OK?
How did I manage to miss all this?

I am absolutely astonished at the persistence of Helpcrohns/bestfriend. The words "flogging" and "dead horse" come to mind!

There must be easier ways of making money.
My Butt Hurts said:
Speaking of Smarties - I have this friend, his intestines were fine one day and black the next. I told him to eat these Smarties, but I didn't tell him what they were. Within hours, he felt, well, like he ate some Smarties. I recommend that everyone rush out and get some Smarties. I can't find my link to give you free Smarties, but if you buy them, maybe some will magically appear on my doorstep so my "friend" can get some more for free. I really am trying to benefit YOU guys here, with my Smarties.......

You always make me laugh :ylol2:
Pen said:
Helpcrohns, everyone here is educated some more than others and they know their bodies and scammers when we see one. We appreciate and acknowledge your product.
Dont go away mad ....just go away.

Nicely put Pen!
kimberlie said:
Funny!!!! Hey Ding, if I go to your profile, can I still get smarties? Sorry, I could not resist.

ooh i've pulled a customer! my work here is done. :ylol2:
Kev said:
Sometimes things that sound too good to be true.. well, pretty sure we all know how that one goes. Here is a true story, from way back in the 60's. It was the intro of colour television, but not everybody could afford them. Then in classified sections across North America, the following ad ran. It stated for the princely sum of $49, anyone could convert their old black N white TV to a beautiful color set... without any special tools or training. Everything you needed to do the conversion came in this kit. In those days that price was a weeks wages, but still cheaper than a new color TV.
So lots of folks sent in their $49 for this 'so simple anyone can do it' kit. In short order, they received their kits in the mail. What was in these kits..??
Just exactly what the ad had promised... a couple of cans of spay paint in a variety of beautiful colours. Whenever anyone tried to prosecute, the PO box would change.. the ad would disappear from papers in one region, only to reappear in another. Anyway folks, this old fart has been around a long time... long enuff to recognize something that stinks when he smells it, OK?

Hah! Sometimes I can't help but admire these people.

You can often find 'Signed' photos of celebrities on ebay. They're careful not to mention who signed them though.
Car salesman in checkered pants? BWAAAAA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Good one, Pen!
See? I KNEW you'd like this post!
Great answer!
Well as for me I tho..... *&$@ BUG!!! ........ *smacks screen*....Fu...!!

Should the original link be left in the first post?

It could always be replaced with a link to the non-affiliated version at www[.]myzrii[.]com
Well, I'll go as far to say that maybe our friend Nate here had semi-good intentions (even so far as the backstory about helping out a pal), but let's face it -- making some sales or recruiting wasn't far off his mind. He's probably got a garage with pallets of the stuff he has to move because he bought into the hype.

Are there interesting botanical what-nots growing in the far-flung and mystical and trendy regions of the world? Sure. Ones that have been around a long time and are entrenched in folklore? Sure. But these supposed healing properties abound in all manner of botanicals. Just because something hails from the Himalayas or the Amazon (mystical spiritual hotspots du jour) does not mean modern science has failed.

Nate might very well believe in his product. Unfortunately he hit an audience who has heard the spiel many times.
If any of us really wanted the "benefits" the magic juice supposedly will provide, we could have poured turmeric and ginger into our own apple juice. Just because we don't drink the juice of some exotic fruit with a wonky name that only grows in the himalayas, does not mean that we are going to miss out on unconventional remedies. I think that many of us realize the potential benefits of herbs etc, but no one believes that one conglomeration of them all will be a miracle cure. Why buy a product when we could easily recreate any benefits it offers by ourselves?
Kev said:
My thoughts on this are that we went well beyond being hospitable allowing this blatant marketing.. and that any further comments from the marketeer are grounds for immediate banning... thereby cutting off the supply. As for his 'friend'.. Well, he has found a solution to his health issues with the gooseberry juice, so he really doesn't need any help from any of us, and he's said he doesn't want to be here... so any further rude behaviour on his part would merit the same banishment... and I'd stake my membership here that course of action.

I think we've long passed the point where this guy should be banned from the site, on any number of counts.
due to the patternized responses at steady intervals, I've assumed he (and "alter ego" Thebestfriend) has been banned, but the profiles show no such evidence, I wouldn't know if they would though.
Kev said:
My thoughts on this are that we went well beyond being hospitable allowing this blatant marketing.. and that any further comments from the marketeer are grounds for immediate banning... thereby cutting off the supply. As for his 'friend'.. Well, he has found a solution to his health issues with the gooseberry juice, so he really doesn't need any help from any of us, and he's said he doesn't want to be here... so any further rude behaviour on his part would merit the same banishment... and I'd stake my membership here that course of action.

I vote for the ban (if it is not already in effect). Blatant marketing, insulting responses when we question him and his product.
they haven't been banned... not seen them log in for a few days either. i think they've slunk away, realising they're not going to get what they want here.
dingbat said:
they haven't been banned... not seen them log in for a few days either. i think they've slunk away, realising they're not going to get what they want here.

Most likely they are trying to work other locations to hawk their wares.
Hi everybody,

Thank you all for your input and for being as civil as possible in this thread. It is now being closed as it seems that enough discussion on the topic has taken place.

As explained in the forum rules, advertising can lead to a member being banned. Since helpcrohns and TheBestFriend have seemingly both joined for the sole purpose of advertising, they have been banned.

This forum is not against the sharing of information or civil discussion, however we do not promote or support the advertising of products. The forum does not support the products mentioned in this thread and as has been pointed out by several members, this product of a Multi-Level-Marketing program that is run firstly to make profit.

If anyone has any further questions or comments please pm me or any of the other mods. We respect your opinions and are here to serve you to ensure this is a supportive and helpful community for all of us!
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