I have been dealing with gut issues for 5 yrs now. My intestinal issues started with just having awful pain and crampiness in my intestines. I did Not have any bowel changes at all the time. My GI doc dx me with IBS. Finally after 2 years he decided to do testing. He held off on testing because I have other health issues that would definitely be aggravated with testing and such. I had an MRE of small bowel 4 years ago and it was normal as well as blood work and stool tests. I continued to have symptoms so three years ago I got a colonoscopy which also was normal. GI said IBS. I seemed to kind of keep things at bay with watching my diet and eating as healthy as I could. Last year in July was taking a medication for my other health issue( IC of bladder) and the med was called Uribel. It contains like 6 different ingredients, one being a salicylate which I believe is a form of NSAID. I was only taking a tiny dose of it daily and sometimes not everyday even. One day I woke up and had some diarrhea.I thought maybe the drug was the culprit so I stopped taking it. Well for like 6 months I could not get back to having a normal poop. I was only going once a day still, but it would be in pieces or very very soft. I asked my primary care doc to to a fecal Calportectin test and that was elevated( 348.5) where it should have been 160 or under according to the ref range at the lab. I brought this to the attention of my GI doc and he was not at all concerned and dismissed it saying it was likely the IBS. He stated that calprotectin levels can elevate slightly with some people who have IBS. He also said other things could cause it to rise. He then said since my colonoscopy has been completely normal two years previous, he was sure it was just IBS.
Fast forward to about a month ago. I went through a terribly stressful period( still am actually). Well I noticed a small hard lump under the skin on my labia. It did not hurt at all and I did not even concern myself with it as I had something like this in the past and it just disappeared by itself. I figured it was a hair follicle or gland. After two and three weeks the lump got bigger. I then started putting hot compresses on it to bring it to a head. It finally started leaking a little stuff but not enough. I broke down and went to a dermatologist to have it lanced and drained( I was afraid to lance it myself). She said it was an abscess, likely from infected hair follicle or oil gland. Pathology came back saying there was e-coli bacteria in it. She said due to the location being near vagina and close to anal area this is not uncommon. Anyhow, it seems healed up now which is three weeks later but sometimes I still feel some phantom pain in that area. There is no longer any lump under there though. Not sure if this is connected to my gut issues or just an isolated thing.
Last week my intestines started acting up. I got a bout of loose stool, not water, but pudding like consistency. I still so far am only going once a day, but I am noticing pain and irritation in my anal area, like inside. I do have some hemorrhoids that I Have had for a long time that will act up somewhat from time to time, but usually it is mild and just goes away. I was at my primary care doc and she gave me a script for this hemorrhoid cream which is basically a 2% cortisone cream. I have been using it for two days and feel not difference at all. It feels like at times I get throbbing pain in there( not constantly though), but it always feels irritated inside. Like achy feeling. Sorry if this is TMI, but also it feels tight inside. How do I know this, well after I have a Bowel movement I have to bottle wash and shower per my urologists suggestion. I have Interstitial Cystitis and am Very prone to UTI's so I have to keep extra clean down there in order to prevent UTI's. Well when I soap up the area down there I soap all around the opening of that area to make sure it is clean. It feels more tight in that area. Could it be swollen? The outside of the anus looks okay, not redness or anything. Oh also, last week I got this horrible pain, like a charlie horse in the rectum. It was so painful! It lasted for like 10 minutes but them went away. I think that may have been that Fugax thing where you can get like an anal spasm or something that can be very painful. When I have a BM it does not hurt at all per-say, but it feels more irritated inside after I go.
I have an appointment with my GI May 13th which is two weeks away. I also had my primary care doc give me an order for fecal calprotectin level to have it redone and should get those results any day now so I can also bring that with me when I see my GI doc. My C- reactive Protein was normal. I want my GI doc to look in there. Will he be able to look just inside the anal area to see if something is there?
What could this be? I don't think IBS can cause anal pain, at least I have never heard of it. I also don't think hemorrhoids would cause the achy irritated feeling either and besides, I have been using the cream and still feel the same. Any ideas what could be going on here? I am so fed up and confused and worried.
Fast forward to about a month ago. I went through a terribly stressful period( still am actually). Well I noticed a small hard lump under the skin on my labia. It did not hurt at all and I did not even concern myself with it as I had something like this in the past and it just disappeared by itself. I figured it was a hair follicle or gland. After two and three weeks the lump got bigger. I then started putting hot compresses on it to bring it to a head. It finally started leaking a little stuff but not enough. I broke down and went to a dermatologist to have it lanced and drained( I was afraid to lance it myself). She said it was an abscess, likely from infected hair follicle or oil gland. Pathology came back saying there was e-coli bacteria in it. She said due to the location being near vagina and close to anal area this is not uncommon. Anyhow, it seems healed up now which is three weeks later but sometimes I still feel some phantom pain in that area. There is no longer any lump under there though. Not sure if this is connected to my gut issues or just an isolated thing.
Last week my intestines started acting up. I got a bout of loose stool, not water, but pudding like consistency. I still so far am only going once a day, but I am noticing pain and irritation in my anal area, like inside. I do have some hemorrhoids that I Have had for a long time that will act up somewhat from time to time, but usually it is mild and just goes away. I was at my primary care doc and she gave me a script for this hemorrhoid cream which is basically a 2% cortisone cream. I have been using it for two days and feel not difference at all. It feels like at times I get throbbing pain in there( not constantly though), but it always feels irritated inside. Like achy feeling. Sorry if this is TMI, but also it feels tight inside. How do I know this, well after I have a Bowel movement I have to bottle wash and shower per my urologists suggestion. I have Interstitial Cystitis and am Very prone to UTI's so I have to keep extra clean down there in order to prevent UTI's. Well when I soap up the area down there I soap all around the opening of that area to make sure it is clean. It feels more tight in that area. Could it be swollen? The outside of the anus looks okay, not redness or anything. Oh also, last week I got this horrible pain, like a charlie horse in the rectum. It was so painful! It lasted for like 10 minutes but them went away. I think that may have been that Fugax thing where you can get like an anal spasm or something that can be very painful. When I have a BM it does not hurt at all per-say, but it feels more irritated inside after I go.
I have an appointment with my GI May 13th which is two weeks away. I also had my primary care doc give me an order for fecal calprotectin level to have it redone and should get those results any day now so I can also bring that with me when I see my GI doc. My C- reactive Protein was normal. I want my GI doc to look in there. Will he be able to look just inside the anal area to see if something is there?
What could this be? I don't think IBS can cause anal pain, at least I have never heard of it. I also don't think hemorrhoids would cause the achy irritated feeling either and besides, I have been using the cream and still feel the same. Any ideas what could be going on here? I am so fed up and confused and worried.