Annoyed with the nhs

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
I was discharged from hospital nearly 5 weeks ago, and was told I would have an urgent outpatient colonoscopy the very next week. When I finally got my appointment I ended up having to wait 3 weeks. So I went for my colonoscopy last week and they took biopsies. I was told I would have to wait 14 days for the results. So I get my appointment through today... for the 22nd of June! That's another 4 weeks away! I just want them to say if it's Crohn's or not so I can get my holiday insurance sorted (i can't get cover while undergoing diagnostic testing).

Not trying to diminish your argument or anything, but honestly, that still sounds better than the health care system here in the US. It took me 2 months for my first appointment with my GI, and they initially told me it would be 3 months before they could get me in for a colonoscopy (I later called the office, crying, asking if they could move my appointment up sooner - after talking with the nurse, they got me in the following week).

On top of those ridiculous wait times, I have to pay out of pocket for many of my doctor visits, tests, etc. I have insurance but it doesn't pay for everything. It's not just a small amount of money, either. I don't even have a diagnosis yet but my bills are already over $2,000 and climbing.

If you're having problems with the wait times for appointments, try calling the doctor's office. Don't speak with the receptionist, instead ask to speak with the doctor or triage nurse. Tell them you're doing worse and need to move your appointment sooner if at all possible. The doctor or nurse will be able to move things around on their schedule more easily than the receptionist will. If you can't speak with them directly, leave your phone number and say you want the dr/nurse to call you back. That's what I did and it worked for me (crying a little seemed to work as well - I was genuinely upset and frustrated and just ended up in tears, and the nurse became really sympathetic).

Good luck and I hope you are able to get an appointment sooner! :)
I know you guys have it worse when it comes to waiting times. I am annoyed that they effectively lied to me. I had a choice between staying in hospital in the hope of getting an emergency scope done or going home and having it done within the week as an urgent outpatient case. Unfortunately I chose the latter. Likewise if they had told me it could be a 4 to 6 week wait for the consultant appointment I would understand, but they said it would take 14 days. So I was hoping it would be next week when I have a week off work (feeling guilty about all the time off!).

Anyway I spoke to the receptionist who said she can get the results sent to my gp when they arrive and then my gp can show me the reports. So at least I will know if the biopsies come back as crohn's or not. And I can get a refill on the Pentasa since I only had 4 weeks supply. But obviously I will have to wait to see the consultant to discuss long term treatment options and so on.

Ps there is a bright side to being in the states... In the hospital I go to there is no internet access and if you are lucky enough to be on a ward with TVs you have to pay per view. And you have to share a bay with 5 other people. Most of whom are senile.
Good luck with the biopsies - It took me about 2 weeks to get my results back (unfortunately, my biopsies were "normal" according to my GI, so I'm still not diagnosed). And I didn't know that about the TV and internet in the hospital, very interesting. I have been sick for about 8 months now and haven't had to stay in the hospital yet (knock on wood) so I wasn't aware of that kind of thing. Although I'd gladly give up TV and internet if it meant I didn't have to pay my doctor bills!
Well it says on the instruction sheet that I took home after the scope that they found 'inflamed small intestine- likely Crohn's disease' so even if the biopsies come back normal they will need to investigate further. Rather than telling me 'everyone gets stomach aches from time to time' which is what they said first.

As for the TV and internet, I don't know if other hospitals in the UK are different. But where I live all the hospitals are part of the same trust (i.e. Privately run by profit making companies for the NHS) so all the local hospitals are the same.
rebbecca , you can always go private and pay. remember the NHS is a free service for which we should be greatful for.
if you read this forum you will find pages and pages of usa/candians not getting medication/treatment because they cant afford it or their insurance doesnt cover it.
Sharon: My understanding is that Canadians have a national healthcare program that's similar to the NHS in England. I'm not Canadian so I don't know for sure, but I believe that they typically don't have to pay for their healthcare either.

But on your other point, you are exactly right - here in the US it's a much different story from Canada/England! Count me among one of those who can't afford treatment. I'm currently in the process of paying off some doctor bills, and waiting to see how much of my colonoscopy my insurance is going to pay for and how much I'll have to pay. When I get that figured out, then I'm going to look at the prices of CT scan vs. pill cam and see which one would be more affordable and wouuld make the most sense to do next (I am REALLY looking forward to finally getting diagnosed so I don't have to go through any more expensive tests!). I have insurance through my employer but it's not very good insurance and I have a high deductible (meaning I have to pay a lot out of my own pocket for doctor visits, tests, etc). As if the stress of being sick and not having a diagnosis weren't enough...
Like I said it's not so much the wait that has annoyed me, if they had told me truthfully how long things would take I can accept that. Am I complaining about the 8 week wait to see the eye specialist? No because they told me from the start that it would be 6 to 8 weeks. But it is annoying to be told you would definately be seen within 1 week and then have to wait. Why not just say 'we will try to squeeze you in but no promises'?

And I hope you get your tests sorted soon cat-a-tonic it must be hard having to make decisions based on what you can afford rather than what you need.
NHS troubles are the story of my life. I became so ill waiting for an outpatient gastro appointment I ended up in hospital seeing them instead. So I sympathise in a sense I guess.

Things only started improving for me, to the point where I was getting appropriate care, when I went private. Seen within a week, went back on steroids and then managed to get on the list of someone pretty high up at a regional specialist centre. My condition at present is by no means perfect but it's the first time in a long time I've held down a job, kept up with getting out more and tried to sort out all my other problems.

Sometimes I think yeah it's great we have an NHS and then other times I think it's ridiculous that we have all these services that it's a nightmare to access! Mental health facilities in particular are useless by all accounts.
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health services

rebbecca , you can always go private and pay. remember the NHS is a free service for which we should be greatful for.
if you read this forum you will find pages and pages of usa/candians not getting medication/treatment because they cant afford it or their insurance doesnt cover it.

No health service is "free"

The health services in England (NHS) and in Canada are very dearly bought by the taxpayers.
Salaries have NHS insurance premiums deducted, likewise Canada,
where an additional tax has been added in Ontario for health premiums.

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