Another big Canadian Crohn's fundraiser: Heel and Wheel-a-thon

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Yes, I is! I am going to bike 5km and only raised $250.00 so far. But still giving is a go. On the actual day of the walk on the 26th I will be the greeter :lol2:... get to talk everyone's ear off!
Yes, I is! I am going to bike 5km and only raised $250.00 so far. But still giving is a go. On the actual day of the walk on the 26th I will be the greeter :lol2:... get to talk everyone's ear off!

Good luck Penny!

P.S. Check your pledge page! :kello:
:mbh: Hey you , I got the notification that YOU sponsered me!!! I was shocked! I still am :eek2:.

You didnt have to do that! Are you doing something too? You are amazing, and I am so touched. Now I really got to get training on my bike :lol: I have few weeks yet. Just hope I can do it! Thanks a million...:mademyday:
:banana::banana:Yay!!! Thank you Joan (Astra) for your donation of $35.00 I am so happy! I hope this Heel and wheel is a good one.

Also just found out our Thunder bay chapter is connecting to Saskatchewan and Winnipeg, probably because we are a small chapter. :applause:
You're welcome!
It's the least I can do, we don't seem to be having one over here? or are we?
I'm dyin to go out there on my roller skates (circa 1973) ha ha

Well the clock is ticking... I will be riding BEFORE the June 26th Heelnwheel. I was informed that our chapter (very small) has almost reached our goal of $7,000 dollars yay! I have some "cash" donations and others do too so I am confident we will go past our goal.. Hope anyone can join and walk, bike or roller blade their way to 5k. After all this is OUR disease, and CD and UC needs lot of attention!
I really wanted to do this, but found out about it too late. I will be participating next year for sure. The least I can do this year is support you! Good luck!
I really wanted to do this, but found out about it too late. I will be participating next year for sure. The least I can do this year is support you! Good luck!

Thank you for your donation so much! I was shocked, and emotional. I am trying so hard for a cure, because I have been on enough meds and sick of being sick, so this makes me try harder! People need to be aware, my footdoctor says this disease is so unknown and awareness is so important.

Thanks again you are a jewel in the wilderness!:thumleft:
Hey tomorrow is the big day....not sure I am able... but my husband is taking me, because of taking pain pills. Will let you know how it goes. Fingers crossed.
:worthy: I owe my husband a huge thanks for doing the walk for me in the 5 km walk! He took our pup Holly with him and they walked around a small lake. The Walk turned out pretty good for such a small chapter.

Our chapter alone raised $12,000 dollars!!!!:biggrin: The highest yet. Thanks for those who support us, would love to hear how others did in their area.

I felt good today but my knee ws acting up, so I want to do it next year!
$12000!!! Way to go! Please thank your husband for all of us! Hope you continue to feel good and that your knee gets better too!
The money raised across Canada so far is $900,000 so far and counting!

Did you know out of 100 other charities that are rated, Crohns and Colitis isnt even mentioned, yet we have a Gutsy month in November for awareness, but 100???

Just goes to show you how much awareness is needed. Go ahead ask someone if they know what IBD is...betcha they don't.