Just cleared one up not that long ago...had my Remicade on Monday, by Tuesday morning I had a cold sore popping out on my uper lip....right under my nose on the 'bow' section...of course it is this nice lump, with no sign of weeping yet - and I keep hitting it! Aside from that, I bit theinside of my mouth last week, near the front, and now I keep biting it while eating since it is swollen.....grrrrrrrr
vent over, off to pull a fire alarm in a building and send a few hundred people out into the humid weather!...and yes, it is 'legal'.....for me at least!!!!! (Don't try this at home or you could get an escort to jail!):hallo3:
vent over, off to pull a fire alarm in a building and send a few hundred people out into the humid weather!...and yes, it is 'legal'.....for me at least!!!!! (Don't try this at home or you could get an escort to jail!):hallo3: